Posts by MagusUnion


    I think that part in the text you quoted from me, makes it clear as day i never said anything about making the world goes bananas just because the green generator made enough energy.

    And yet you failed to see MY point in the post: You CAN NOT STOP a renewable gen. from collecting energy due to how natural forces act upon it within the world! Those forces are constant, and do not stop simply for the sake of 'game balance'. To have an imperfection mechanic included with said machine would also imply that you'd have to include the same with fuel based generation, which leads us back to square one again, and defeating the purpose of this 'nerf'...

    No.. 'capping' said renewable energy production is exactly like I said: the natural forces of the world suddenly stop causing an effect upon them. THAT is exactly what you are suggesting...


    Reducing the amount of energy a green generator outputs maybe drastic, but giving it a cap to how much energy a green generator can output before you need to replace the block or something inside the block its not so much crazy, at least it will give a clear line on how much better a green generator its against a nuclear/geothermal/regular generator is.

    No... that's like saying that, on a water mill, water will stop flowing after X amount of time.. or wind will cease to blow on a windmill for the same...

    Photons from the Sun (thanks to the Photoelectric effect ) are stupidly easy to collect within reason. Plants have been using this process to drive their photosynthesis for MILLIONS of years.. And YOU want to have the mechanics of the universe to simply 'stop' working on something in the name of 'game balance'?

    I'm sorry, I'm going to have to replace your ill-conceived universe with one that actually makes damn sense...

    Interesting find! In that case, I imagine that wind will be the prime stock of renewable energy for many players. In which case, the only other hurtle you would have to circumvent would be the HV -> LV issue with ground based structures.. but I can easily see players simply ignoring that 'difficulty' via skyscrapers and such, lol...


    What's wrong with solars is that basically you make a generator -> batbox -> solar panels -> win.
    It's too easy.

    That's the same with all Green energy, only a few comes with different conditions/limitations... Only reason why Solar energy is so easy to 'pick on' is because you can gimmick the uptime of the generators by using a bed...

    I did post a suggestion where solars could use a mechanic where their max output was dependent on the specific time of day it was (intervals with dusk, dawn, and noon), but unfortunately it was ignored. However, it was the ONLY reasonable change that I could see with such technology that wouldn't break it to the point of pure uselessness...

    When I finish the first part of my Let's Play, you'll complain about how broken the |Wind - Electric E. - Fermenter - Bio Gen.|combo is... :rolleyes:


    Skip to 18:55 on this video .. I'll wait till you finish...


    Point better be seen. Solars, in terms of resource cost, has been nerfed to obscurity. Now people will soon cry wind is op because you only need 4 Iron and a Generator to get a similar safe effect with the raised world height...

    If you don't understand how or why the technology exists, then don't change it.. /end

    You do realize that more people means more possible donations, right? Judging by the post on the blog at the beginning of the month, he could use the money. Attracting more people would definitely be a better choice in regards to that than to push the people already here away.

    The vast majority of donations that Alba ever received was from the Goons to buy his silence for their inclusion of IC^2 into the Tekkit pack. NEVER has Alba received donations simply off the fact that his mod was 'that great'. (Or if it has, it hasn't been in the frequent basis that you claim will occur later)...

    So unless you 'put your money where your mouth is' I doubt the Dev. team will hasten any updates just because you 'demand' them to do so...

    So in other words, Tekkit is getting impatient and wants to update right now because they are losing too many fans due to being so far 'behind' with the MC updates?

    Bah... we don't bend to your whims. You can wait just like anyone else can... the IC team owes you nothing..


    The physics of water start to get in the way after that, as you hit things like flow rate being dependent on pressure and pipe diameter... or is it that pressure is dependent on pipe diameter and flow rate? Or both

    Both... See: Darcy's Law for a better diagram example...


    And does that line up neatly with some property of electricity, or not?

    Yes. Attributes towards the diameter and surface area of the wire do play a role in how well electrons can flow thru it, as those are factored into Resistance in various respects. As long as we aren't complicating things with magnetic field presence, then electrons do act like water in that respect at least...


    It gets to the point that most people (myself definitely) don't understand hydrodynamics well enough to keep trying to draw the comparison. I find it amusing, actually. Like (I suspect) most people, I think I have a pretty good grasp of how water works. I use it every day, and unlike electricity, it's something I can see, hear, touch, and move by hand. And yet in trying to draw a comparison to the fundamental concepts of electricity, I find that I really don't have a full understanding of how it works.

    It's actually quite ironic that I have just finished both courses in Physics 2 (Electrostatics and Light Properties) and Hydrology recently, and the comparison between water flow and electron flow is fairly common. Course, it does serve as a bit of a wake-up call that I've taken for granted how smart I've been with both subjects within the past few days. Still, there is no reason to fault yourself for not being able to draw a solid comparison between the two, and many among the general population barely understand how either works on the complicated scale. All they really know is that life sucks ass when either two stops working for them, and they have no way to fix it. Likewise, it's actually fairly hard to teach things like electricity and magnetism without a proper visualization scale of reference.

    Which is really why I love IC so much: it helps show how electricity, in some regards, works as a whole. Sure, it's not perfect, but it works well enough to demonstrate the importance of a proper electrical infrastructure, and how it helps our society overall...

    Killing each other? Not at all, its obvious Magus Win, like he said Internet self learning can't beat college education. Although Experience wins against both.

    Oh, well gee... it just so happens that I have BOTH education AND experience! Fancy that!

    On Topic: Just install Custom Recipes, and add 'Coal Dust' to its item dictionary, and give it the same burn time as coal/charcoal... GG

    Significant does not equal constant... Yes, there is a possibility, but it doesn't mean you will constantly have to guard against it. If that were the case, coal plants couldn't exist...

    Also, Wiki does not replace college level education and experience... Believe it or not, it can be inaccurate in situation basis, or, God forbid, wrong...

    No, you are thinking of this ... which is different as you can also do this with household flour... :rolleyes:

    So unless you throw the damn dust in the air to start off with, it's not going to rapidly ignite like that. Hence why those types of explosions occur due to the rapid surface area/volume ratio with air that the dust experiences... In a closed box where heat creates a controlled burn, you do not encounter this problem (unless your engineer sucks at making proper containers)...


    I doubt they just grind the coal and place it to burn just like that.

    Coal in dust form its HIGHLY volatile when exposed to heat. Of course the coal must be floating around in the air for better explosiveness (Or its a condition for it to be volatile maybe).

    You do know, that, you're disagreeing with an environmental geologist who knows more about coal than you probably ever want to in your life time, right?

    The only thing that coal in dust form has over flat "raw" coal is increased surface area for thermal inductance and shorter reaction time. Just because it's a dust, doesn't mean the energy output changes at all. Maybe a burn rate change, but that's about it...

    And coal is by no means 'volatile' on it's own. It actually takes a fair share of heat to ignite a 'good' piece of coal due to how tightly bonded carbon is to itself. Course, when it does finally burn, it does give off an very high degree of heat to counteract the input many-fold. Hence, the primary reason why coal has been a fuel source for so long is due to its actual stability in on-site conditions, and its effective thermal yield when used as a fuel for energy...

    Edit: And yes, there is a difference between 'airborne coal dust' and 'coal dust'... don't site wiki if you don't understand why...


    Coal dust should burn better, or why power plants would grind the coal?

    It used as a method of purification prior to burning. Coal is macerated into a dust and saturated with water. Then, it is centrifuged to remove the Sulfur, Lead, and other toxic impurities from the slurry mix. Afterwhich, the coal is then dried slightly, and thrown into the power plant furnace for heat -> electrical generation. So really it's just a means to 'clean' it and remove elements that would become airborne from the resulting combustion...

    Course that does little to tide against CO2 emittions, but that's a separate matter altogether...


    My electrical knowledge: Honestly, I thought the paragraph about "Let's drop the real-world units because they're confusing." would have clued everyone in to the fact that I'm not an electricity person. You know why I sound knowledgeable on the topic? It's because I've been mulling this problem over for weeks, and spent two sessions on Wikipedia. A few hours a couple days previous, to gain an understanding of the basic concepts, and then constantly referring back to it as I wrote the original post. My basic reasoning wasn't "I want EUs to be exactly like electricity.", it was "EUs are behaving in confusing and unbalanced ways; let's compare them with real electricity and see if the comparison can show me where the problem is."

    Well, the conversion isn't generically hard... The two formulas that I've posted sum up MOST if not all of the nature of current inductance. I actually do have quite a bit of electrical knowledge on this matter, so to compare again:

    Power (Watts, or EU) = Voltage (the size of the EU packet an energy source can generate) * Current (The actual amount of "electrons" traveling down the line)

    Resistance, which is the restriction of the ability of how electricity flows (or in the case of IC: what EU/p a cable can tolerate before frying into bits), can be measured as follows:
    Resistance = Voltage (again, size of EU packet) / Current ( actual 'electrons' being sent)

    Remember, Voltage =/= energy or EU! It merely shows the potential of energy that you can generate. In the case of a standard Generator, it generates 10 watt/seconds of energy max. That means that It has the potential of creating up to 10 Volts times a 1 Amp Current on a power line. In the case of IC, those 'electrons' are meta data values that decrease over time from a high meta-data value down to 1, and merely show the amount of 'charge' an item has in accordance to the off-set of scalar values used to simulate electricity. For simplistic terms, let's just assume that Current = 1 due to how Minecraft handles changes from one meta-data value to the next.

    So in essence, Voltage is the highest EU packet you can generate, Watts are just the EU in and of themselves, and Resistance determines the tolerance of how much actual Voltage a cable or machine can withstand. Conductance (which also needs a bit of a rework) is an individualistic property unique to elements on the Periodic table. This governs Watt/EU loss over a cable line via heat, and rubber helps insulate against the heat loss by keeping a high temp. gradient around the wire. That just means that heat flows from hot to cold, and the 'warmer' a cable is externally, the less chance that there is for energy to 'creep' out of the cable as electrons are moving down it. Technically, EU packets should stack as you are adding more Voltage and Current on the line, and affecting the total resistance of the wire, and the total tolerance and stress being placed upon it within that moment in time...


    I meant that i have a REGULAR man (The one that doesn't bother touching his balls and watch sport religiously card instead of a Machoman card. Oh and i don't get a "Kick" out of it, i just do it when im absolutely bored without anything better to do, gotta keep myself entertained.

    Was this before or after you decided to change yor sig. for: So don't judge a fudging book by its cover alone?
    Sour about you having to make a biased assumption on me to attempt to prove me wrong in this case, cuz me caring about sports is like me caring about organized religion.

    And your high post count displays how 'bored' you actually get.. Pretty sure many other forum users can attest to that...


    I know everything you or funnyman does about the Enet workings and purpose, almost nothing.

    a.k.a: "I'm not saying anything because I really don't know/ not sure"... ok, sure...

    These are the primary changes:

    • EUs are energy, represented by kilowatt-hours or joules (also known as watt-seconds).
    • EU/t is power, represented by watts.
    • EU/p is voltage, represented by volts (appropriately enough).
    • The ratio of EU/t to EU/p, power to voltage, is current, represented by amperes. (With constant EU/p for every packet, this is the number of packets per tick.)
    • The quality of a cable (max EU/p) is its conductivity, represented by siemens per meter.
    • The amount of EU lost by a cable (EU/b) is a result of its resistivity, represented by ohm-meters. (Ohm is the inverse of siemens, so this is the inverse of conductivity).

    That's 6 variables... 4 of which are already apart of the current system. The other two are based off of properties of the first few. Resistance = Voltage/Amps, and that helps determine current loss. Conductivity can be an independent variable as determined by the materials used in the recipes (Cu, Au, Fe, etc..). That would be, essentially, the MAJOR change to the system current in terms of calculation.