My electrical knowledge: Honestly, I thought the paragraph about "Let's drop the real-world units because they're confusing." would have clued everyone in to the fact that I'm not an electricity person. You know why I sound knowledgeable on the topic? It's because I've been mulling this problem over for weeks, and spent two sessions on Wikipedia. A few hours a couple days previous, to gain an understanding of the basic concepts, and then constantly referring back to it as I wrote the original post. My basic reasoning wasn't "I want EUs to be exactly like electricity.", it was "EUs are behaving in confusing and unbalanced ways; let's compare them with real electricity and see if the comparison can show me where the problem is."
Well, the conversion isn't generically hard... The two formulas that I've posted sum up MOST if not all of the nature of current inductance. I actually do have quite a bit of electrical knowledge on this matter, so to compare again:
Power (Watts, or EU) = Voltage (the size of the EU packet an energy source can generate) * Current (The actual amount of "electrons" traveling down the line)
Resistance, which is the restriction of the ability of how electricity flows (or in the case of IC: what EU/p a cable can tolerate before frying into bits), can be measured as follows:
Resistance = Voltage (again, size of EU packet) / Current ( actual 'electrons' being sent)
Remember, Voltage =/= energy or EU! It merely shows the potential of energy that you can generate. In the case of a standard Generator, it generates 10 watt/seconds of energy max. That means that It has the potential of creating up to 10 Volts times a 1 Amp Current on a power line. In the case of IC, those 'electrons' are meta data values that decrease over time from a high meta-data value down to 1, and merely show the amount of 'charge' an item has in accordance to the off-set of scalar values used to simulate electricity. For simplistic terms, let's just assume that Current = 1 due to how Minecraft handles changes from one meta-data value to the next.
So in essence, Voltage is the highest EU packet you can generate, Watts are just the EU in and of themselves, and Resistance determines the tolerance of how much actual Voltage a cable or machine can withstand. Conductance (which also needs a bit of a rework) is an individualistic property unique to elements on the Periodic table. This governs Watt/EU loss over a cable line via heat, and rubber helps insulate against the heat loss by keeping a high temp. gradient around the wire. That just means that heat flows from hot to cold, and the 'warmer' a cable is externally, the less chance that there is for energy to 'creep' out of the cable as electrons are moving down it. Technically, EU packets should stack as you are adding more Voltage and Current on the line, and affecting the total resistance of the wire, and the total tolerance and stress being placed upon it within that moment in time...