Posts by MagusUnion


    Nope i meant knowledge of the internal workings of the Enet and more importantly, WHY its working like that. Its may be beyond the scope of a simple bugfix, it may be working that way because of a specific reason.

    Then enlighten us on that reason then.. or would that violate your Gnostic wisdom that you like to hold over everyone that you do?


    Sorry, i guess you mistook my man card with my machoman card.

    You are no where near that if you have to get a kick out of mentally being down others for a hobby...


    Nope, it was greys anatomy a Medical Tv series...

    *cuts corner off Man card*...


    the analogy was comparing the lion to a cancer because no matter how small it is, no matter how benign it appears to be, the slight change, movement or touch could make it go ballistic.

    Programming is no where near close to the same as medically handling diseases... If you mess up your code, you can always undo the changes you set into place. May be painful at times, but it always is doable if you have a pre-established base to work off of. And E-Net in and of itself would actually experience little changes with this idea, seeing as most of the re-classments are more about the nature of the EU in the wiring rather than restructuring how a EU is transcribed as a whole...


    And its more on the path that, if you gonna do it, don't rush headlong like a frigging moron, prepare yourself well before even attempting to do anything.

    You mean: have at least a technical level of education with either the electrical industry or a college level understanding of electro-statics from Physics? If you didn't get that from the OP as he was describing Ohm's Law and the nature of conductance, then I highly doubt you have the education yourself to call him a 'moron' in this matter. The science in the matter is very solid. Your logic in the issue, however, is not...


    Like a saying i heard recently in a tv-series, "Don't Pet the lion, no matter how cute or docile it may seem, because you don't know when it will decide to attack and how is it going to do it", in this case the Lion is the E-Net, messing with it can have some dire consequences.

    That seems more like a coward's case on the issue... Just because YOU lack the nerve and time to take up said task, doesn't mean others should be excluded from doing so, for greatness is not given: it is made...

    And this mod is a prime example of that fact..

    Then the only thing a Compressor would be good for is for Nuclear production... in which case, makes the machine even more obsolete due to the sheer fact that the only true reason to have one is for the items mentioned...

    And the crafting limitation has more to do with how Minecraft handles Many -> One, Item relationships. That limitation really can't be bypassed unless Alba desires to recreate a new version of the Alloy Furnace...

    I will agree that there does need to be a rework of the current EU system in IC to something that suits a better, more realistic environment in terms of electricity...

    However, I doubt that the priority of such a task is in the works anytime soon, as the current system took a few months to even setup...

    A system based off of {P = IV} and {V = IR} for calculating power and voltage would help simply the confusion between EU/t and EU/p.. in which case, wires could then be reworked around the amounts of Voltage and Current they could tolerate, and Resistance would show how loss translates into that current movement. In some respects, this is already in the current system, but there are no clear parallels as to why they are in place, and how those factors are tied to the materials used in crafting said wire..

    So yes... brilliant post. Hopefully either Albla or Richard will notice it in the near future...

    TNT needs to be placed and fused... instead of 3 TNT, you can have 16 Sticks of Dynamite. which can be thrown within a few seconds, blowing up quite a fine area.
    Enemy entrenched + dynamite = Damaged enemy in a hole.

    Yup... in the PvP case, dynamite is more useful as an anti-bunker weapon more than anything else... only exception I would imagine is if you are dealing with Re. Stone or maybe Obsidian bases... (in which case, tis better to nuke the crap out of them anyway...)

    Which as my black, Scottish friend would say... Demoman?

    There are alot of applications that can be applied with Ceramics, both industrially and residential... They can be used as Mug recipe replacements, or heat sinks for large scale machines...

    I'd like to see applications with them as well, as it would become a cheap and efficient derivative of many already-in-place IC machinery...


    In the end, would using the wrapper would be better than the FML directly?

    Depends on how heavily based the mod was on the MLMP system. In some cases yes... others, no...

    This seems more like an autonomy move on Lex's part to ensure faster response time to port and update mods as versions change... Can't say I blame them, but it's a hell of an aggressive way to go about it...

    what with the hostility to a different style of play? as long as one has fun and isn't killing you for fun there should be no harm in it

    Agreed... while I don't give EE users much credit for their efforts, I won't say that they don't have a right to use it... direwolf has proven that people will still regard you as a beacon of wisdom in Minecraft regardless of if you are using that mod or not...

    The only thing I find wrong with EE is that it creates the illusion of infinite resources for ALL aspects of MC, and that promotes a large level of laziness for the player. And personally, I think may others can agree with that statement..

    Hell, after playing a bit of vMC on a SMP 1.2.4 server, I've discovered how 'lazy' I've gotten with IC in Minecraft, lol... Course you still can't build a true factory worth mentioning in Minecraft without mods, sadly... (unless Jeb adds block breakers into vMC)


    Oh you people, i knew you were just waiting for a slip to stab me in the back.

    It's your own fault that you make it hard for us to have to deal with you... You thought your behavior wouldn't come with some form of price?

    Pssh... I'm an asshole myself, but at least I know when it's smart enough to keep my mouth shut about things.. especially about things that are, at most, petty and trite in the grand scheme of it all...