Posts by MagusUnion

    Holy Batman! I only have one thing to say for this!

    No, seriously... I've been wanting this since, 1.5 version of Minecraft beta... Nice work!

    Edit: Is this a .jar install or a mods/folder install?

    I'm just going to wait till the 1.2.3 port.. 1.3.4 Forge doesn't like my minecraft for some reason...


    because they are fairly easy to make and 30% more durable then iron, so near the start these are highly valuable to the Diamond Tunnel Combing method we all tend to use.

    lol, please... that method is so beta :P

    no, seriously.. if you can afford a nuke after a few creeper kills and some lucky uranium finds, you can blast a hole large enough around layers 20-40 which enables a more explosive apporach to full scale mining. This way, you kill a good majority of 'clutter,' and then scrape off the resulting tunnels/cave connections that you've found for materials...

    If you don't have decent tunnels to work off of, make another :Nuke TNT: :P

    Since I actually have more of a calm, level-headed voice in this issue, I'll go ahead and weigh in an unbiased opinion...

    Zipp's original addon for IC2 allows for rapid productivity with keeping up with the ramp time of Induction furnaces. As such, it allows the machines to compete with the refining process of smelting ore and validates a reason to have a MV power grid running your machines. However, the balance issues remain with the original machines for the fact that the machines (literally) could grind tons of ore, resin, and not have to worry about the increased power load to a particular degree. The 1 EU/t for each machine can easily be negated with a renewable energy grid that can constantly feed power to the machine's ramp time. Yet the increased processing speed is the only feature that these machines come with (beyond MV tolerance, but that's a different issue)...

    Atomic's machines start with a low, yet upgradable, ramp up that consumes more energy for the use of basic functions that many with zipp's addon took for granted. This is part of the reason why the changes angered so many, because now they had to manage around the more constant demand for power to keep the same (if not less) ramp up speed than the other machines. But despite this, the most attractive feature about Atomic's machines is due to the increased utility in the Macerator (and hopefully, eventually in the Compressor and Extractor machines). The ability to create bronze and refined Iron at dust form is a nice QoL adjustment from the machines so you don't have the hassle of running to a crafting menu just to make some dust, or have to double input in the Induction Furnace just to refine Iron. This change helps save time with ore processing for specific tasks, and allows a more flexible level of control for how you want to manage your resources...

    So tl;dr
    Zipp's Machines are for low ramp cost, low utility
    Atomic's Machines are for high ramp cost, high utility

    Take your pick...

    well if your not worried nor making UUM then why are you so worried bout energy problems? you can run your average daily producttions with only 10-20 solar panels and 1 MSFU, and a stack of lava cells would last you like a week, and if you had a geothermal plant in the nether then 1 lapotron would run a normal base function for a significantly long time. and if you are using MassFabs, then just make you matter in the nether and bring it back in UUM form.

    Because I'm farming the Nether for everything it's worth... Not just the lava for power, but even the Netherrack itself...

    Ultimately, I'm trying to consume and store ALL of the Nether's EU and Vis in such a way that when I go back and terraform it, I can start at base level, and have tons of terraformers running at once to transform it. If I just run the terraformers straight off Geothermal, I'll get rid of the Netherrack that I farm for Vis...

    I could simply apply power to my Lappack and Mining Laser from lava farming and be able to send Netherrack back and forth, but I have tons of Diamond chests worth of Netherrack to process into Vis. Plus, the space in Ender Chest isn't that impressive, so alternating between that storage and the Overworld facility is a bit of a logistical hassle. (and the dye costs get stupidly high just to keep switching from chest-to-chest-to-chest for said storage)

    So I want to ease the hassle of dealing with the Nether beyond having to move everything I have into it. Farming is a bit difficult in the Nether's conditions, and as such, I'd rather not have to have a pure residency within that hell-realm just to complete this project. Plus, I find that this function can be for more than just a narrow application of Geothermal. Bio Cells, Coal Cells, even Crude Oil and Refined Oil cells can be brough into the game with this added functionality, and thus expand more on the usefulness of the fuel cell system itself...


    For the love are literally watching GRASS GROW out of fear that ONE WEED will spell Armageddon for your crops. I mean when you have to break out a book to pass the time while playing a game...

    In that case, you could call it mining in EVE Online... /slowclap

    Sorry couldn't resist that joke, lol.. But I will say that the system does need a good bit of work, but conceptually is solid as to how to go about breeding new plants. Perhaps some of the mechanics could be alleviated with some cross compatibility with Forestry or Farming Overhaul where Humus, Peat, and Bog Earth could play a factor to how hydration affects the soil as a whole. Since Phosphorous is a primary mineral governing soil fertility, an IC form of Apatite could also be worked and integrated with the Forge Ore dictionary as to focus the resource need on said crops...


    I really hate to use cliches here, but pics or it didn't happen.

    Agreed... A simple dirty test would be to see if you can spawn the new vMC cats. That would tell us if you actually do have version 1.2, or your Minecraft is working off a backup .jar that you aren't aware of...


    If its SSP, Nether unloads when you go to the overworld, producing nothing until you go back to the nether. (Chunk loader doesnt work if you are not there in the nether)

    Mostly this... I also don't have to invest in UU Matter due to the fact that with Thaumcraft, I can use Vis for matter duplication and farm entire chunks worth of Netherrack and Soul sand into vis. As such, if I were to primarily invest in Nether based Geo Thermal energy, I would either have to set up a dedicated base full of expensive T3 tech just to be able to process the energy load of Geothermal from the Nether, or manually go from site to site to site risking Ghast attacks and Hell Scorpion (Mo'Creatures) ambushes for a partial collection of lava due to range limits on the empty cell absorption...

    Instead, I'd rather just be able to pump the lava up with an AoE BC Pump and then compartmentalize it elsewhere so that it's more cost effective to transfer the materials via stacked cells (which, ironically, are worth more energy than fully charged Lapotrons) in and out of the Nether...

    But this is only one example. Let's say I have an underground pool of water I want to get rid of, and instead of blasting it apart due to IC's lowered blast resistance on water, I instead pump the water with BC pipes. Figuratively, I should be able to store all that water in a BC tank, but Minecraft likes to make more Water Source blocks when conditions allow them. That alone dramatically increases the volume of the water size, and jumps up the BC storage requirement for said water. If I could channel this water into cells, I could then rapidly consume said water for either Ice or Deuterium production and instantly consume the pool dry...

    So yes... these are just a few reasons as to why that feature could really be useful for players dealing with MC fluids..

    With the godsend that is the fuel cell system, comes the jarring transition of the inflexibility of how the empty cells respond to liquids. In many cases, these cells could be used in such a way to farm masses pools of lava or water instantly on site...

    The problem comes when the site is either completely tapped out, or completely full of flowing liquid with the source blocks partially inaccessible to the player. The clear solution to this is to use Buildcraft Pumps for their AoE collection of the Source liquid blocks, but then the liquids are 'trapped' into BC tanks that cannot be accessed by empty cells. For lava, this is a minor annoyance, as BC integration with Geopower is part of IC's base, and flowing water can be put into cells via the IC Pump...

    Yet in the case of Nether energy production, there comes a difficulty in how to send lava back and forth between the Overworld and the Nether. Sure, you can use Ender Chests and deposit your cells in them as you fill them next to a Nether ocean, but you still can't access all the lava without tremendous effort. You could pump the lava with BC Pumps, but how are you going to send that lava to the surface with resorting to RE Batteries or Lapotrons?

    So what I suggest is the ability to right click on BC tanks to fill cells with its appropriated liquids. This function used to exist with an add-on called the Mobile Pump , and was a highly useful tool at the time. I'd like to see something similar with cells to come back for the simple function of pulling directly from BC tanks...

    And on a side note, any chance for Bio Cell <-> Biomass conversion if this were to become implemented?


    Ok, Should I assume you are a silly person, or that you made a typo, and hence created a contradiction? Because I think you mean, That If It were possible for the magnitizer to let you go down (without fall damage) then you would not be suggesting that. However, you appear to have said the opposite, saying that if that was possible, You would have good reason to post this, which sounds incorrect.

    He's saying you can... (or at least should as of latest version)... I personally don't use them myself, tbh..

    But I would like a non-armor dependent transport system for which to use in large scale buildings. This is due to the fact that I wear other mod related armors which aren't metal at all to negate falling damage...

    So since we can have some rational discussion about this add-on....

    Are there any plans to create more advanced utility functions to YOUR adv. machines? I'd rather stick to them since I find that they balance out better than the originals ever did, and they don't whore power as much as the former had as well. (However, it is annoying that I have to upgrade their current tolerance to max out the clocking speed, but I'll cross that bridge at another time and date when I need to)...

    I was thinking about giving the option to instantly merge coal/bio/uranium into cells at their semi-raw states for the Singularity Compressor, as that helps cut production time between compressing-crafting-compressing said cells with the materials....

    Impressive! If you have room for another mod, you could install Forestry mod and use Electrical engines to power your Quarries. They convert 6 EU into 2 MJ, and having a few on a said Quarry gives more than enough power to run it constantly. If not, biomass and peat engines can give off plenty of power as well, with renewable costs in terms of maintenance...

    But overall, this is really brilliantly done!

    I believe that when we move to T4 energy demands, I could see something like this being implemented. For the moment, most energy needs can be taken care of via HV and such, and I doubt you'll need to build one of these due to the simple fact that you'd need a CASUC or more just to fill said storage unit...

    There was a PESU at one point in time with the Adv.Generators add-on that could store a max of 6 Billion EU. However, that add-on is discontinued, and you needed two Redstoned Transformers just to use the outputting EU...

    Looks good, but do note that you can save your Tin by using BC pipes and direct injection of lava into the machines. Also, don't forget that GeoGens. have an inert buffer of 240k EU within their tanks as well, and should factor that into the amount of raw energy you actually have at your disposal.

    Nice work nonetheless.. :thumbup: