Posts by MagusUnion


    Its the same issue with the Oil, we had so much and then i becomes rare and we are struggling to find alternate energy sources. Breeding would be much more efficient, if there was less Uranium, but right now we are swimming in Uranium.

    Subtle irony with this statement, lol....

    I would say Breeding is worth it if you are running on vIC only... however, seeing as I play with Thaumcraft, It actually is better to magically duplicate the material with vis than go thru the hassle of the nuclear breeding process. But, that's not to say that I'd want the process to be easier, but rather demostrate the flaws in nuclear power (or as Michio Kaka calls it, 'the Faustian Bargain ') when it comes to maintaining such destructive power...

    Hence the OP-ness of Geothermal... lol

    Just a random idea i've been thinking over: What if we could help the villages to grow into a town, or even a city by providing it with power?, in turn they could trade things with you, or teach you advanced designs.

    You mean a trading system like what Millenare has, but more IC based and les CPU intensive? I would like this, and since vMC mobs don't constantly alter their landscape like the other mods do, I would find it be easier to implement with them as well...


    Nothing unsubstantiated about it, technic/tekkit outright stole the mods without permission to redistribute them. Last I knew they still don't have permission to use some of the mods.

    No point in arguing with automated white-knight bots of Goonswarm. They immediately try to discredit anyone who questions their actions the moment someone voices their discontent... It's hilariously predicable at points, since I openly knew they'ed immediately jump down on me before I even posted...

    Spin harder bees... spin harder..

    It's hilariously funny that the OP sites the Tekkit users as a credible source... they barely understand the mods that they steal anyways, and hardly do anything beyond find the most exploited mechanic with said mods that requires the least amount of work...

    That post was probably made along the lines of 'manned water mills are teh best, only use them!'. Which, tbh, just goes to show how skewed their line of thinking is when other people want to play in different ways...

    Just as a side note:

    I mentioned this Idea to Al in the hopes that a customizable enchant system is feesable with both Forge and MC modding... Idk if Alba has seen this thread as of yet, but it seems this would be the primary core for which to base the Nano tech around. Thaumcraft has already demonstrated the proof of concept with a modded enchant system, and as such, helps validate this as a great idea to place within the game...


    Actually we can transform energy into matter, but not exactly a element.
    And we can transform matter into energy (by speeding it to the speed of light : 3x10^5 Km/s)

    Precisely... makes quite a bit of a difference when you are generating quarks and leptons instead of whole atoms...

    And as much as Tesla would like to see a generator like this, I think even he could admit how unrealistic an idea like this actually is...


    Build your own enchanting system then :D

    Which, I'd also like to point out as well... Thaumcraft 2 will have its own unique system for handling enchantments, where you use vis instead of XP to enchant materials, and brains (that's right, brains) in order to increase the level and type of enchantments available to you...

    IC could use the Nano-bot suggestion as its alternative, where Tech levels and EU input determine the types of 'nano-upgrades' available to the player...
    (that's also to suggest that the types of 'enchantments' that you can obtain are not limited to strictly the vMC set, as well...)


    And wasn't the block id cap (theoretically :rolleyes: ) raised to 4096, not 2048?

    I believe it was... actually...

    As long as all the mods that used (or used to use if it becomes unnecessary to have any longer) Forge can port to this heightened ID version, then I'll embrace the change.. Although I still worry that port/decompiling/fixing the mods to be compatible to the next version may be months down the road, it's still good to know that Minecraft itself has finally created a platform necessary for actual mod support. Hopefully this will mean than the way we want to play Minecraft will SOLELY be up to the user, and that we'll have full freedom to explore our options to do so...


    Yes. I realize this is a denied suggestion, but I believe my suggestion is fundamentally different from the one that relied solely on the turbine. That suggestion makes it easy to place a single block and some water and let it run. This suggestion requires some effort to setup and could actually look appealing.

    I'd actually like to see a T2 version of the Water Mill that increases EU output for higher resource cost. Something that will absorb the flowing water on top of it to produce EU, but at the same time lose the abilities of manned water mode and surrounded water EU generation...

    :Tesla Coil: :Tesla Coil: :Tesla Coil: :Tesla Coil: |
    :Tesla Coil: :Tesla Coil: :Tesla Coil: :Tesla Coil: |
    :Tesla Coil: :Tesla Coil: :Tesla Coil: :Tesla Coil: \/
    :Tesla Coil: :Tesla Coil: :Tesla Coil: :Tesla Coil: = Water
    :HV-Transformer: :HV-Transformer: :HV-Transformer: :HV-Transformer: = T2 Water Mill
    :Glass Fibre: :Glass Fibre: :Glass Fibre: :Glass Fibre: :Batbox: = Batbox/Cable grid

    For a BC-type alternative, Forestry Biogas+Charcoal engines also come into a close 2nd with me as most of the material costs are highly renewable, and using a series of standard generators alongside bio-generators creates quite a large yield in energy as well. Course, you do need a start grid of energy beforehand, but that's only a small initial investment to deal with until your system can almost sustain itself on it's own energy, lol...


    1: Water mills are already on Alblaka's list for reworking. [Off topic: Same for luminators]

    2 : 2.5 EU/t (you made it wrong since you can only have 25 water blocks because you forgot to count cable :P) would make watermills extremely overpowered, compared to other "free" generators.
    3: Pumping water inside water mill = perpetum mobile.1: Water mills are already on Alblaka's list for reworking. [Off topic: Same for luminators]

    2 : 2.5 EU/t (you made it wrong since you can only have 25 water blocks because you forgot to count cable :P) would make watermills extremely overpowered, compared to other "free" generators.
    3: Pumping water inside water mill = perpetum mobile.

    Pretty much these points... As much as I would like increased EU output on water, it still seems OP for the wattage that you are asking for. Also consider the fact that water is infinite in Minecraft, and that alone can create a huge imbalance in gameplay. (Hence why Deuterium fusion reactors are so powerful if you have the reactor to fuse it)...