Posts by joselitosn

    Same Question here! Seems as if its is not creating one. Possibly another bug.

    Yes, there is a bug in the configuration folder. The configuration is being saved on the root filesystem "/config/IC2AdvancedMachine.cfg", which in windows should be "X:\config\IC2AdvancedMachine.cfg" and on Linux it probably can't save it unless you are executing minecraft on root mode.

    Also note that if you can't load the game because of a used block ID, you will have an empty config file. I suggest using the one below.

    Just change the block IDs to any that is not used.

    Another bug is that the energy that come from any of the solar arrays can be randomically 0, 8 or 64. If you remove and place the block again you probably will get another number of these three.

    Well looks like I'm kind slow to understand things 8|

    It is a bug in the refinery (and the energy routing), I have reported it. Also I was in error when I said that, the refinery itself uses up to that amount of energy, the actual recipe has a different value. As such, the large electric engine has enough power to run 2.5 refineries at full speed.

    I do not know how this bug effects the actual output of if it is just visual, I have not done extensive testing on that fact.

    As stated by silentdeth, he already reported it. But i was confused at what visual bug he meant, so i tested it out.

    I mentioned it to Silentdeth a couple months ago during 1.8.1 when I first discovered it was doing that in my refinery - but I don't think SpaceToad is aware of it.
    I wasn't sure if it was an issue unique to this mod or whether "normal" BuildCraft engines behaved the same way. Perhaps you could do a side-by-side test with one combustion engine directly applied to a refinery, and another supplying power by pipe? If there's still a difference, then SpaceToad would surely like to hear of it - if not, then Silentdeth will benefit from the report.

    Wow, what a difference! That's how the large electric engine should behave - it's supposed to be as powerful as 5 combustion engines, if I recall.

    That bug should be top priority for spacetoad, because you see many people on youtube who just connect engines directly to quarrys or mining wells. At least that is where i learned from. Or maybe that was a unintended feature, i guess only spacetoad can tell that.

    It would appear that you're applying the Large Electric Engine directly to the Refinery without a power pipe. I noticed that in the 1.8.1 version, performance was similarly affected. However, if you set that side up a little differently, you will also be able to get the refinery to run in the green. Give it a try, and then see how it compares.

    Thank you, that was exactly what was happenning. But shouldn't this bug be known? I looked around at BuildCraft forums but didn't find any reference to it. Should we report this to spacetoad maybe?

    Also i just tested the suggested setup with 2 refineries, the results are clearly different. Large engine on the right and 3 Combustion engines on the left.

    Use the version from here…p__12497982#entry12497982
    LexManos is one of the developers of Minecraft Forge.

    Also you might want to update BuildCraft to 3.1.3. It fix a few bugs.

    It is a bug in the refinery (and the energy routing), I have reported it. Also I was in error when I said that, the refinery itself uses up to that amount of energy, the actual recipe has a different value. As such, the large electric engine has enough power to run 2.5 refineries at full speed.

    I do not know how this bug effects the actual output of if it is just visual, I have not done extensive testing on that fact.

    Made a test world with 2 refineries running side by side for 10 minutes. One powered by just one Large Electric Engine and another by 3 Combustion Engines. The result can be seen in the screenshot below. In the left is the Large Engine and the right the 3 Combustion Engines.

    I have a few other mods installed in my Minecraft, if you think any of them might have influenced the result of the test let me know so i can try again with only the necessary mods.

    Mods Installed:

    Is there a way to fine tune the conversion rate of the engines? Because in the first page it says that the Large Eletric Engine is capable of producing the exact amount needed to run a refinery at full speed, but in my tests three fuel engines run a refinery at "green mode" while one large engine can only run it at "purple mode".

    Also i noticed the WARNING about energy loss, but it still effects if i put the engine directly connected to the refinery? Is this bug still present in BC 3.x?

    Minecraft 1.1
    Buildcraft 3.1.3
    IC2 1.64
    IB v0.05