Posts by Sulas

    I think the Problem wasn't enough power, but i have a new Problem.

    I set them up with CESU on each side. Now i can only teleport from the lower level to the upper. I double checked everything, the CESUs are charged and the outputside is faceing to the pad, but its not working, its just doing nothing.

    BTW, when i tested it yesterday there was an explotion somewhere, but i checked it, everyhting is working well, except the teleporter. Maybe that sounds dumb, but may it be that the teleporter is "damaged"?

    Hello again,

    i managed to set up the teleporter. Both are connected to a fully charged batbox and have a pressure plate, they are 12 Blocks in the hight and a few block in other directions from each other, but all they do is showing brown/orange dust/smoke.

    What is wrong there?


    I'm making my way trough IC2, because i want to have Teleporters, but I'm stuck at the blast furnace because.

    The picture shows what I made.
    The lower left is the electrical heat generator, the lower right the blast furnace.
    The electrical heat generator has Power and the furnace has a redstone signal und the items inserted, but its not working.

    Do i need anything else, or did i do anything wrong?

    Can anyone help?