Just to touch on the debate over power cost balance, keep in mind that for intermittent use, Advanced Machines are quite costly to keep idling in terms of EU cost per finished product. In one minecraft day-night cycle, a single idling machine draws 12,000 EU. If several days go by between uses, macerating a stack of ore just got pretty energy intensive if you amortize the idle cost per stack.
Granted, that becomes less of an issue the more activity the machine does. If an advanced machine is working constantly (i.e. fed by BC quarries), the idle cost becomes a non-issue and they become a real energy saver.
I'm not arguing against advanced machines--quite the contrary in fact. I'm just saying that for applications with low intermediate use, there is a place for IC2 machines with overclockers. I'm not sure where the break-even point is in EU use, but at some use-levels there would be a net EU savings using an overclocked machine vs maintaining an idling advanced machine.
On a side note, thanks for your hard work Zippinus. Looking forward to getting those solar panels back.