Posts by xsaeshx
Short question.
When i look up in NEI for recipes in the thermal centrifuge or the ore washing plant, i dont see the gui from the gregtech machine - its the one from IC2.
Is it possible that i see the gui like other gregtech machines? Where i can see, how long the operation takes, how much EU it takes and what eu/t needed?
Hm, okay. But at the wiki it says that red marked parameters can be left out.
I also try it so:
mods.gregtech.Mixer.addRecipe(<minecraft:clay_ball>, <liquid:water> * 100, [<minecraft:sand>, <minecraft:dirt>], <liquid:water> * 100, 100, 16);This also not work. There is no error, but also no recipe.
Then I try this one:
mods.gregtech.Mixer.addRecipe(<minecraft:clay_ball>, <liquid:water> * 100, [<minecraft:sand>, <minecraft:cobblestone>], <liquid:water> * 100, 100, 16);
This works. It seems there is also a problem with minecraft:dirt?
Any idea? How to set a parameter to null?
Thanks a lot
Hey Everyone,
Maybe anyone can help me.
I warnt to add a recipe for clay in the mixer.
On the minetweaker wiki i followed this line (example)
//OutputStack, OutputFluid, InputArray, FluidInput, Time in Ticks, EU
mods.gregtech.Mixer.addRecipe(<IC2:itemFertilizer>, <liquid:dye.watermixed.dyered> * 1000, [<minecraft:sand>, <minecraft:double_plant:4>], <liquid:water> * 1000, 100, 16);And then i changed it like this:
mods.gregtech.Mixer.addRecipe(<minecraft:clay_ball>, [<minecraft:sand>, <minecraft:dirt>], <liquid:water> * 100, 100, 16);
It doesnt work. I get an error, something about "there are 2 methods avaiable"....
I figured out that the problem only appears when i left out the Outputfluid
Anyone can help me what iam doing wrong ?
Hello, i need help.
How can I use Gregtechs Integrated Circuits in an Assembler?
The Integrated Circuits are: gregtech:gt.integrated_circuit:6034 - but this is an unconfigurated one.
How can i use configurated ones? 6034:1, 6034:2 ..... etc.
I tried it like this:
mods.gregtech.Assembler.addRecipe(<minecraft:fence> * 3, <minecraft:stick> * 3, <gregtech:gt.integrated_circuit:6034:1>, <liquid:glue> * 1000, 1200, 128);
but this dont work.
Thanks for help