yea... I can't find any rubber trees.... I'm starting to think it may be because of Spongeforge...... That didn't click until just now.....
Posts by TacoGerbil
Woops! jejej of all the things to forget
It;s MC 1.10.2 lol latest IC2 on Curse. Yea, the Rubber Tree setting is set to True.
I thought so too but reading some forums I started getting the impression it was random....I'll have to pay more attention to the Biomes.... I can't honestly say I tried remembering where I was.. sorry.
Thank you so much for your time MauveCloud, you've given me a direction to head in
hopefully with my 2 boys We'll be able to find something
Is there a compatability issue with BiomesOplenty? We can't seem to find ANY trees at all.. I've set the retrogen data to this:
treeDensityFactor = 1.0
; Maximum amount of chunks to check for retrogen viability each tick.
; Retrogen is the retroactive generation of terrain features, e.g. ores and trees.
; Set it to 0 to disable retrogen.
; When enabling this the recommended value is 16
retrogenCheckLimit = 16
; Maximum amount of chunks to process for retrogen each tick.
; Values exceeding retrogenCheckLimit are being truncated.
retrogenUpdateLimit = 2It's been a couple weeks and nothing seems to pop up. I even cropped the world using MCEdit down to our spawn to let it regenerate everything outside of that... No Rubber Trees and no errors that I can find....
This is the most I can find -> [11:40:33] [Server thread/INFO] [FML/]: Found a missing id from the world taiga:molten_cryptogen
[11:40:33] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Fixed minecraft:blocks id mismatch tconstruct:slime_vine_purple: 1924 (init) -> 597 (map).
[11:40:33] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Fixed minecraft:blocks id mismatch quark:stone_basalt_bricks_stairs: 652 (init) -> 1635 (map).
[11:40:33] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Fixed minecraft:blocks id mismatch ic2:rubber_wood: 223 (init) -> 1994 (map).[11:40:33] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FML/]: Fixed minecraft:items id mismatch ic2:rubber_wood: 4108 (init) -> 7549 (map).
Anyone have a clue hey could give me??
Thank you so much for your time