Posts by sky_demon

    Alblaka just said that it is being merged into IC2, meaning your Melon/Pumpkin/Cocoa/Tulip are now official :P

    OH My God :DD (my freaken bad english... curse you!) thats best birthday gift for me! :D im so happy :DD

    You all should check this guy out. im always listening his music. he creates awsom mixes
    Have fun listening his music and playing IC2 or chating in forum :D

    EDIT: i never understood good what Alblaka says :D its too complicated for me to understand.. :D

    that particular design if usually for desert bases and usually only contains 30 or so solar panels. this is usually the only appication that solar panels are allowed on my server for charging stations. but currently non exsist since the server if relatively new. as long as there aren't over 400 solars in a 180 by 180 area my server can handle it just fine though.

    wow wow wow :D back to topic please :D

    That would be over powered. we just need nice industrial craft night vision goggles with highlighted mobs and map when you press button like from Rei's minimap :D (well that map idea would be long coding so i would preffer night vision with a little highlighted mobs like from SDK's utilitys night vision goggles)

    EDIT: also i would implement light detector to show what light level is in that place. it really fits in this helmet/glasses

    i really like this idea but i guess alot of coding(?)
    In this idea i imagine Rei's minimap (that part when you press some sort of button and it gives a huge map on your screen.) and SDK's from utility mod night vision goggles.

    lol also maybe have it show exactly how many Hearts of HP are left on enemies, that would make it alot easier to aquire records.

    oh man :D thats strange and interesting :D this helmet would requier pro advanced circuits and stuff like that :D this invencion would be big :D

    Micro chips, scanners. oh man. would be awsom :D

    "Stem" implies all previously orange-steam-plants, including Melons, Pumpkins and Cocoa.

    I know. i made it sort of yellow for cocoa plant too. i was just talking about putting pumpkins and melons on ground but some might like it as it is now because it looks sort of industrial, like compact new pumpkin/melon plant, so i better make this as not suggestion but as texture pack. (but its lame one :DD i dont think that someone will use it exept me. lol)

    Stem + Tulip changes merged into core IC².
    No point in arguing, yours DO look better.

    oh man :D so nice to hear some nice stuff from you :)
    But tulips that i made looks pritty strange, its too big. any ways. its hard to make something nice in 16x16 grid and i suck at 32x32.
    But i would really like to see a little browner stickreeds if not melons and pumpkins on ground.
    But if no then never mind :D keep up the good work alblaka

    Used SolarPanel+Detector to build an explosion-proof Solar-Block. whenever it doesnt produce power, pistons cover the roof with CF Walls (Rest of Block is made of CF as well).
    No more nightly creepers ruining machines.

    Thats good idea :D should test it xD so you dont have anything to say about detector? because i dont want to revive this thread if its not going to be implemented or something like that. and can we expect ic2 update on this mc version or your waiting for more ideas to come up.

    I like it. Course, you could almost set one up now using a solar panel and a detector cable, but that would only tell day from night.

    oh man! you gave me idea :D haha :D for outside lights. when night comes, solar panels turn off, detector cabel also turns off, NOR gates changes turned off signal to active one that activates yeard lights :DD haha xD

    I was thinking if Alblaka can add easy simple thingy called light detector that detects what light level is in that place your at.
    I dont know what to write more because there isnt anything to. its simple as that. detects light level. :D and i dont know where i can use it more then finding out light level for my redwheat to grow, where mobs can spawn and stuff like that.

    well alblaka already mentioned something about making an industrial warfare pack, so i'm sure he'll have stuff like that but i'm sure that thread will some later. as for your other mentioned ideas, you can already basically do all that. with TNT traps and dispensers

    yea.. i'll be waiying for that pack alot :)

    i'm sure once the Cropnalyzer is actually fixed and i'm able to experiment with it and using Energy Crystals i wouldn't mind all that much but at the moment it's broke for 1.2.3 and that makes me pretty epically sad, i had been waiting to use this for months. now i'm just cross breeding while blind :p

    would still be nice to not have to carry it around in my inventory though :)

    well ya. your right. they should do something like this. im trying to think off some more ideas for this but i just cant... still trying :D

    well, well first off, actually we do have Wireless electricity, it was originally discovered by Nikola Tesla to light lamps in a field quite a long distance away and was proposed as a use for power compnaies as early as 1094 but was never implimented using the "World Wireless Sytem"

    however, i never said anything about making this a wireless device :) i was talking about placing this thing just like every other Machine in IC2 and wiring it up, and they could either give it an internal storage device and make it energize like a Tesla Coil, or have it instantly drain power when it scans from a nearby MFS that it's connected to like a Teleporter does. :)

    wow haven't knew that :D

    oh now i understand. pritty fine idea but... no fun :DD i sort of like the way you have to charge something from time to time :D