Mens i fucking love you
Posts by BDaurs
If anyone that played on mens' server is looking for a good modded server join me and ndelmnco on . its a tekkit server btw. if you would like to join us message me on the forums or if your on the server and me or ndel are on too message us
Mistic do you know when the mod will be out for multi
Have yet to find a server as good as Mens'. Still looking but probably won't find one
Has anyone been playing on any good modded servers? I've been bored out of my mind with vanilla minecraft.
So, Hows everyone been?
Why would he put the server up.....nothing has happened on it and not a lot of people have been going on
Ndel wtf. We haven't gotten any new players since the fucking beginning cmon
For anyone that is having trouble connect go into your IC2 config and change all of your quantum armor ids to 29969
my minecraft keeps crashing when i paste the update configs into my ic2 config
Actually resu im pretty sure the rules haven't change on the website since mens' server and ndel said that quantum was banned
RJ what are you talking about?
Guys I know it's hard finding out you've been getting fucked in the behind after all your work but you have to understand that wherever you go in life cheaters will be there first. It sounds weird but you guys are all like family to me. We've played together for over a year now and not many other players can say that. Mens, Tu and Laser you guys worked your asses off; I couldn't imagine how pissed you could be right now after learning all those guys cheated. You were outstanding leaders and players but more importantly friends. I really do hope this isn't a final decision. Just let me know, Dean and I will do whatever it takes to change your mind. -
Deantheft -
God damnit mens why did you have to use a catcher in the rye reference -,-
Good news everyone, I'll be bach.