replace this.setMaxDamage(27); with this.setMaxDamage(0); or if you want to use metadata for something else implement IElectricItemManager in a way which doesn't adjust the metadata to match the charge level.
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They are tied into the class hierarchy, thus not directly suitable for external api. Solving this would be quite non-trivial.
Originally all electric items were automatically accepted, regardless of their damage value, which is just for displaying the charge level.
Unfortunately the changes to the crafting handling to support items with independent meta data didn't always reconfigure the recipes to still use wildcard damage values. This should be fixed in the 1.7 builds, alternatively you could try the recipe fixer addon.
Well we could, but time is better spent elsewhere.
Renewables are significantly skewed due to a similar limitation regarding automatic calculation.
Fixed in the next build
Apparently none of those other mods use the Forge hook to load textures, thus there is no indication that the fault is on IC2's side at all.
The UU-values are all just automatically generated right now, except iridium. When considering the overall average as if using a huge quarry, 2 clay balls are about as hard to get as a diamond. You can use the IC2 config to use whatever value you feel appropriate, iron is about 100.
The EU cost is currently not being displayed.
IC2 2.1 is for 1.7, try build 397.
You'll need 1.7 for more scanning options.
Get rid of optifine, it's incompatible with forge.
Gradle doesn't even check the mods folder when building, so you won't introduce any unwanted core-dependencies.
There's no difference on vanilla or forge. Btw. NEI recently fixed a significant memory leak, if you are using it disable it or switch to the latest 1.7 version.
Put the dev-deobf jar of IC2 in the mods folder eclipse uses when running mc.
You could even use the config and add the legacy recipes back in with 1.7
Is #447 any better? You may have to create new patterns.
It may work to some degree, however MCPC+ does have some significant functional changes incompatible with vanilla/forge.
The later 1.7 builds shouldn't have this issue.
You should only do one of the two, the api zip is imo better as it prevents you from using ic2 core classes
which ic2 version?