Try a chainsaw the next time you want to remove large amounts of cables
Posts by Player
You might suffer from unloaded chunks where the reactor was loaded but not the full redstone path.
That's why you use a personal safe instead of a normal chest.
It does work with personal chests, they just need to be owned by the same one as the trade-o-mat.
Give me a full list of mods, addons, patches, whatever you installed please.
This happens if you don't follow our installation order and install forge before MLMP..
You need at least pre-release 3 of RedPower for it to work.
The limitation of block IDs to 255 is very fundamental in MC and used+restricted to that in lots of different places. It's not really feasible to increase it.
Are you sure that you installed Forge after MLMP on both server and client?
The chunk loading of teleport pipes is imo broken in SP, try removing those and see if it's any better.
Such a huge delay is most likely related to insufficient bandwidth between server and client, high latency or too much server load.
The META-INF folder is nothing bad at all. It's Mojang's signature files inside it which cause issues (MOJANG_C.DSA and MOJANG_C.SF)
Already fixed for the next version.
IMO that's related to the Zeldo's additional pipes mod in SP.
This will become even slightly worse in the next version due to an additional optimization. We could fake the display to show not more than the limit, but that's not what I like to do.
No support for bukkit.
Fixed for the next version.
addRecipe(new RecipeInput(Block.sand.blockID, 0), new ItemStack(Block.sandStone)) will add a recipe which transform 12-0 to 24-0 (blockid-metadata). RecipeInput is almost the same as ItemStack, it just doesn't have the count parameter and implements hashCode()+equals() to be usable in a hash map.
You don't have to replace TileEntityCompressor for this, just call TileEntityCompressor.addRecipe(). Make sure your mod gets loaded after IC2 (ModLoader loads mods in the alphabetical order of their file names).