I'm getting error on world loading http://pastebin.com/WYRbPvzE
You can downgrade IC2 to version "industrialcraft-2_1.116.369-lf.jar"
I'm getting error on world loading http://pastebin.com/WYRbPvzE
You can downgrade IC2 to version "industrialcraft-2_1.116.369-lf.jar"
The Forestry mod adds bees, as we all know, and they are a pretty interesting feature. However, we still need to make the equipment for them out of wood and plant products
QuoteDisplay MoreThe bees, well-known as insects which like radiations, live and work with natural radiations and
energy, especially with electric fields, which have a high biological activity. It seems that the bee colonies find
these special places by using natural radiation and electromagnetic fields. KÖNIG (1986) reported that this is
the most effective way of all physical factors to transfer information. The sensitivity of bees to radiations is
well-known by many beekeepers. Bees are very aggressive before thunderstorms. The negative effects of
electric and magnetic fields and the sensitivity of bees to radiations were reported by WELLENSTEIN (1973),
WARNKE (1976) and HORN (1982 a, b, 1983), who tested the colonies in artificial fields.
From this document:
QuoteBees in a strong electric field became aggressive, stinging each other to death; communication was disturbed.
So NO Hi-Tech equipment!
Impossible, all forestry recipes use ore dictionary name in recipes. If you unregister forestry bronze from ore dictionary, forestry bronze will be useless.
And why you want disable forestry recipe for bronze? Because It cause exploit? Best way to fix it - disable Industrial Centrifuge recipe for Bronze Dust if cheap bronze recipe is available.
Вот не надо тупо копировать информацию с вики.
EU/t это еЭ/т. "т" - значит тик, это единица измерения игрового времени в minecraft (в секунде может быть максимум до 20 тиков). Фрейм это отрисовываемый кадр на стороне клиента (знаменитое понятие FPS), он никак не соотносится с игровым временем (к тому же на сервере никаких фреймов вообще нет).
Верните обратно "апгрейд" в названия апгрейдов к машинам! Это вам не Wiki, где можно по клику на предмет узнать, что он делает.
И очень сомневаюсь в необходимости менять "пыль" на "порошок".
Правой кнопкой по ссылке, пункт "Сохранить объект как...".
Fixed translation: ru_RU.properties
Исправлено написание имен предметов, только первое слово должно писаться с прописной буквы!
QuoteDisplay More
itemArmorBronzeLegs: Бронзовые штаны -> Бронзовые поножи
itemPartCarbonFibre: Углеродные Волокна ->Углеволокно
itemPartCarbonMesh: Углеродная Ткань -> Углеткань
itemTreetapElectric: Электрический Краник -> Соковыжималка
itemCropnalyzer: Флюрометр -> Флорометр
itemCellHydrant: Гидрированная Вода -> Увлажняющая капсула
debugItem: Дебаг предмет -> Предмет отладки
itemPartDCP: Лист Меди -> Плотная медная пластина
itemArmorHazmatHelmet: Скуба Шлем -> Шлем-акваланг
itemArmorHazmatChestplate: Защитный Нагрудник -> Защитная куртка
I'm request Tinkers Construct support.
At least i want way to convert "naturalAluminum" and "ingotNaturalAluminum" into GT aluminium.
Electic Translocator is broken, he is extract items only from first slot in chest.
Why you removed ability to craft Calcium Carbonate Cell from Calcium Cell?
I'd think that's a Forestry problem, not Greg one. You can adjust yourself more blocks to go into backpacks with Forestry config, backpacks.conf.
It's IC2 problem, not Forestry. Forestry add all items from ore dictionary with prefix "ingot","ore","gem","dust" and also "dropUranium" to Miner's Backpack. Check that uranium registred in ore dictionary under name "dropUranium" before blame Forestry.
Suggestion: Fixing the IC2 Uranium, Copper and Tin ore to go into the miner's backpack. Those ores were going into the backpack properly back in 1.2.5, now they're bugging.
Try latest version of IC2. I don't have this issue with industrialcraft-2_1.112.183 .
Since the backpacks also carry ingots, i believe this is intentional, as it's to aid in carrying metals/resources no matter the form. (refined iron excluded of course)
Yes, if you can put ingots into Miner's Backpack and Cooked Chicken\Porkchop\Steak into Hunter's Backpack, they you also should be able to put dusts into Miner's Backpack.
Also, who used items from ore dictionary for standart items (iron ingot, gold ingot, gunpowder, redstone, etc)? Exception is dyes and items that already have few types (logs, planks, slabs, etc). Thanks to EBXL that Forge now add some standart items to predefined ore dictionary names (i can remember 150+ recipes for Chest in NEI\CraftGuide in minecraft 1.2.5, it's all combinations with standart and EBXL planks) .
Which Ore gives Dusts usually? Except for my nether Ores, I know about nothing else, what drops that. So there is no reason to use the dust-prefix for Miners-Backpacks. And the oreDictName of dustGunpowder (like dustRedstone nd dustGlowstone) is just a little Side Effect of my OreDictUnificator and needed for my Small Dusts.
Your Nether\End ores, "dustNikotile", "dustIron", "dustSilver", "dustTin", "dustGold", "dustCopper"... It's enought to add anything with prefix "dust" into Miner Backpack.
With GregTech installed Gunpowder goes in the Miner's backpack instead of the Hunter's backpack in Forestry.
Is that intentional, because it seems very odd.
Because GregTech register Gunpowder as "dustGunpowder", and Miner's backpack add all items from Ore Dictionary with prefix "dust".
Pls ignore my previous post
, removing the plugin ofc will remove a lot of things NEI needs to processes thus removing the search lag..
Now try uninstall RP2 NEI plugin\hide Redpower item subsets (at least hide this insane count of microblocks).
Try start game without NEIPlugins (if this mod is installed).