I hope you understand mcp_deobfuscate isn't being updated and basically whet you're doing thorughout the mod by importing stuff from IC itself and not just the API is cheating. You should find a way to do all of it with just the API!
Right. It's ignorant bullshit like that that makes my first reaction to your statements to ignore them. FYI, mcp_deobfuscate's developer is a personal friend of mine and I'm fully aware that he's been working on that as much as I've been working on LiquidUU -- which is to say, not at all. Telling me this is just going to push my buttons to get me mad, and honestly I have better things to do with my time than get mad at some bozo on the Internet.
As for using stuff out of non-API IC2 bits, that's only a problem when IC2 breaks the bits I'm using, which isn't all that much:
[narc@hermes ~/src/LiquidUU/src/common/ro/narc/liquiduu]% git grep "import ic2.core"
CommonProxy.java:import ic2.core.Ic2Items;
SlotUUM.java:import ic2.core.Ic2Items;
TileEntityAccelerator.java:import ic2.core.Ic2Items;
TileEntityAccelerator.java:import ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityMachine;
TileEntityAccelerator.java:import ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityElectricMachine;
TileEntityAccelerator.java:import ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityRecycler;
integration/Forestry.java:import ic2.core.Ic2Items;
integration/ThermalExpansion.java:import ic2.core.Ic2Items;
Ic2Items is replaceable by search-and-replace with some api function, but I never felt bored enough to do so. Meanwhile, the tile entity imports are actually quite necessary. Therefore, and with all due respect, sir: shut it.
Now, speaking of the fact that I've not been working on LiquidUU -- let me just quote myself from a few months back:
You should only really worry if you don't see me logged into the forum here for days on end 
It turns out it's been something like a couple of months since I logged into the forum here, and that's a definite hint to me that I've left things up in the air for too long (I'm sure you'll all agree).
So here's the state of the mod: I haven't even started Minecraft since something like mid-March, and I have no current plans to get back to it -- it will be a while until I return to it. Consequently, my mods (LiquidUU and BeamMeUp) are going to be similarly languishing.
However: the projects are both open-source, as is mcp_deobfuscate, which they both depend on for compiling. Likewise, my Jenkins is going to stay up indefinitely, and automatically builds anything that's pushed to the github (and I promise to try to update its compiling environment if there is a need in future). Therefore, if other people want to take the current code and update it, I am more than willing to give you full collaborator rights to the github project.
I recognize that some folks have been using LiquidUU, and while I have no desire to leave you all in the dark, I simply don't have the resources (mostly the time) to maintain it myself. Luckily, there hasn't been much need for maintenance lately (we're still on 1.4.7? really?), but if there had been, I'm not sure I would've noticed in useful time. So it's up to people who are still playing and are willing to take over: if you're interested, go ahead and PM me or post in this thread. I'll need to know your GitHub account name, and you'll probably need to know how to use git, but otherwise it should be quite simple and straightforward.