Posts by Nanomanz

    Well to put it in perspective, I think about how many businesses use PC, and how many use Mac. I can't think of hardly any around here (smaller town) that aren't running PC's. I think more people use PC's, unless they are in specialty areas. I know that there's some really good audio/video editing software for Mac, but I think there's some equally good software for PC.

    I would say that they are both about equal in terms of software. The real selling point (for me) is the fact that you can natively run OSX and Windows on a Mac, (Like me) so you can switch to Windows if a program makes you.

    I'm a PC guy, I like not overspending for the same hardware. I mean after all a MAC is simply PC hardware, with a nice shiny case and a little apple logo. Gaming is really driven at the PC market because most people use PC's. I hate how the schools have all MAC computer labs, thankfully I have my laptop. I need to move into Linux more, I dual boot it, but I need to play with it more, I know its really awesome. Oh yeah one last thing, I like being able to open my devices up to see what makes them tick/upgrade them, I really don't like being locked out.

    That's cool. Most people (I think) prefer PCs... (But I'm not sure)

    While this is kinda Off-Topic, (Thus the location...) I would like to know what people use more, prefer more, and why they like them. *Inserting Poll*
    NOTE: This IS NOT going to turn into a flamewar location. I will not have it. You may state why you like your computer better, but DO NOT shoot down other people. It will only snowball. If someone says they prefer Linux because it is more betterer, fine, but do not scream at them. It will only cause problems.

    What I prefer: I prefer my (Awesome) Mac, and Mac-related stuff. It works great with my iPhone, and Home Sharing to my AppleTV is amazing. I also prefer Macs for the stability and software compatibility (You can run Windows on a Mac, like me.) I use Macs the most, and plan on keeping it that way.

    Ewww. Mac.

    Come at me, bro. I don't think you know what you are talking about.
    I agree with painting Ref. Stone, but more reinforced blocks seems silly, and lots of time, only to have the block you want not available in Reinforced.

    Okay, seriously, why are people at least not replying to this thread? It's like it's summer or something...
    Esteel, about that in-depth review, and questions I have... (Trying to make in order from top of OP, might be slightly out of order)
    "Clearly visible effects" -What do you mean by this? Most of the potion effects are hidden? Please explain.
    "The part about mechanics" -I don't really care about these, but they would seem to be a very good addition, and are well thought out and not OverPowered
    "The part at the end where you discussed stuff" -If you have any more information that you had to cut from the OP, I would appreciate it. This is a good idea.
    "Hops Mini-Rant" -While I like that Hops are used in Brewing, and you have to get them from Agriculture, I feel like it should be more in-depth. Better Hops should make better beer. The Hops item could have different metadata, and the metadata could effect the "Goodness" of the beer. Brewmaster should be a hard earned title, not a "I read a forum post and understand the mechanics" While I'm not suggesting that the post gets taken down, it would be better if it was hard to make the best, finely crafted Booze. Back to Hops, I think it would be cool to have a server where you carefully hide your Hops that you have created, and jealously guard the secret to your Booze. /endrant
    Anyway, I really like your suggestion, and the general theme behind it. If you have any questions (I wasn't clear, "What do you think of x", etc.) let me know. (PM or in the thread)

    Awesome suggestion! I'd do a bit more in depth review, but I'm on my iPhone, and it is a bitch to type on.
    I would like it if there were more positive effects in Booze, because I spent a long time brewing (On my friend's server) and it seemed like it was a waste, with the crap affects from DragonBlood. (I got it after idling for three days on the server, while I was away.) Anyway, even that was pretty lousy. I would really appreciate this is IC2.
    Sidenote: Dude that wrote the OP, PLEASE consider posting and doing more. That is THE best suggestion topic I have ever seen.

    -One day, at Leo's base, our hero's are listening to Spwnx's message.
    Spwnx: "Please use high-frequency transmission otherwise it may NOT get through farlands magnetism"
    Nanomanz: Well, that is certainly cheerful...
    Dark: Mmhmm
    Leo: We should totally go rescue him
    Passinglurker: *Smashes pot*
    I don't now: Lurker, calm down
    Nanomanz: I understand why Lurker is upset. Spwnx would be an excellent ally, but we can't reach him.
    Dark: We could just rescue him, right? Are you almost done on that Frame-Ship, Nano?
    Nanomanz: Yes, but it's too far away, even in a ship. We would need lots of food to get there...
    I don't now: We also have to get around to discharging that crystal, right?
    Passinglurker: ARRGH! OOOH OH WOOT!
    Nanomanz: Wait, what's going on?
    Leo: Epileptic fit?
    Dark: What if we killed two birds with one stone? Discharged that crystal, and rescued SpwnX?
    *Collective gasp*
    Nanomanz: Yeah! It could work! We simply discharge that crystal into a Lapatron, and we will have plenty of power to reach the Far Lands!
    Everybody: Let's do it!
    *Insert epic battle scene at Alblacka's shrine here*
    Dark: That should be the last of them.
    Nanomanz: Nice work, guys
    Leo: Nano, you and Lurker should go rescue SpwnX. We'll work on getting the teleporters online here.
    Nanomanz: Sounds like a plan. Ready, Lurker?
    Lurker: ARRRGRRHH!
    -And so, our hero's split up for a while, to find SpwnX and save the planet! Stay tuned-

    -Lightning Rod in hand, Nanomanz attempts to summon Alblacka while the others watch from inside the bunker-
    Nanomanz: It's not working! The circle dance around the toasted n00b is not working!
    Passinglurker: Grrrackk...
    Leo: Yeah, someone else has probably summoned him
    I don't now: Yes, Alblacka gets tired of coming if summoned too often
    Passinglurker: Gggrrrgg
    Nanomanz: Sure, you can use the n00b for waffle batter. Good thing we got the emergency geothermals running, we should have enough power for hot waffles.
    Leo: MMmmm
    I don't now: Yum...
    -Stay tuned for the next episode!-

    -In an underground bunker, a few survivors of the spambots meet-
    Nanomanz: So, the problem at hand is we don't have enough EU...
    Passinglurker: GRRAK
    Nanomanz: power the microwave. I hate cold toast.
    Leo: Well, it's better than no toast...
    I don't now: Guys, could we stop discussing breakfast and discuss something important?
    Nanomanz: Well, we need to discharge that crystal...
    *Dramatic point*
    Nanomanz: ...and the only way to do that is at the shrine of Alblacka...
    Leo: Yes...
    Nanomanz: Well, according to legend, the almighty DragonLord will vanquish the enemy if he is summoned.
    I don't now: And this has what to do with the Crystal?
    Passinglurker: GRRAKKGRRR
    Leo: Yeah, let him finish
    Nanomanz: So, why don't we summon the DragonLord?
    *Massive uproar*
    Nanomanz: Calm down guys, all we need to do is toast a n00b on a lightning rod...
    I don't now: And do a little dance in a circle. Yeah, we know.
    Leo: But where will we find a Lightning Rod?
    Nanomanz: In the shrine of Alblacka. They kept one there for summoning in an emergency.
    I don't now: Great! But wait a second, where will we find a n00b to toast?
    Leo: Yeah, all of them were trapped by the spambots and replied to their posts...
    Passinglurker: Grrak...
    Nanomanz: *Reaches for toast* *There is no toast left* *Looks stupid*
    -And so, our heroes are trying to come up with a plan to stop the spambots. Will they succeed? Or will they fail? I don't know, but both will be pretty awesome. Stay tuned!-