Posts by Nanomanz

    While this is clearly well thought out, I believe that the E-Net is fine as-is. This seems like an unneeded change. Honestly, I would like the complexity it adds, but most of my friends can't even understand the current energy system. I a respectfully against, but it is a well thought out idea.

    ThIs is a good idea! I believe that cobwebs should have a vannila recipe, but in the meantime this would work too. How about instead of just applying sticky resin to string, have Steve weave it together (like TNT, but string instead of sand).

    Is... this thing... on?
    Okay... just woke up... long term stasis... chamber...
    Have... vital... intel... spambots...
    Come... help... teleporter cords... MFSU running low...
    Nuclear... reactor... out of... fuel...
    Burning... anything I can...
    Tree farm... not working... air quality... bad...
    *Faint* Help me...

    Not sure if it has been suggested before, but this seems like it would be useful for many things. Is the 512/EUt the limit for the maximum transferd, or the amount it can take for direct input? Anyway, I like this suggestion.

    No, mods who enforce the rules are good for a community. People who are self titled "Assholes" and play it up as the defining aspect of their personality are bad for a community.
    It's a persona, just like any other, used to gain attention and try to get away with things a normal user would be punished for.

    And please, if you're going to argue against me then atleast read what I have previously posted.
    I am not against IC2 enacting a rule that modpack servers are to be advertised on their respective forums. I do however take offense to "Modpack servers are just fine EXCEPT Tekkit servers!"
    It's petty and very hurtful, especially since Alblaka is well respected over on the technic forums.

    First, Fenix doesnt get away with anything a normal user wouldn't. If he screws up, we stab him in the back... Repeatedly... With a chainsaw... Also, list any other Modpacks that have SMP and include IC2. Also, since Tekkit DOES NOT have permission from all of its Mods, it shouldn't be allowed for that reason either.

    You sure? Check the definition against at least thirteen other sources, then cross-reference the recaliberation of the xxyyyhal-9000Machine with Wikipedia...

    So I am to assume you have done more than a casual glance over the forums and have based your opinion off sufficient research?
    I am sorry for assuming you have actual experience with the technic forums. Usually your level of contempt is reserved for the people who pop on, throw up a post into the first section they click on, demand help for some issue that has been covered 50 times before, got kellered for it, and believes that's unfair because mommy and daddy always said they were special and were entitled to the world.

    When did I say anything about IC2 mods?
    GregoriusT called technic forum mods douches for their policy of punishing people who don't follow the rules. I find that to be quite hypocritical, especially in a thread about a proposed IC2 forum rule that will likely lead to people getting punished for not following it.

    I wasn't saying you said anything bad about the IC2 mods, I was just saying that AssHoles are a good thing for the forum community. Anyway, we know you like Technic, but what is the point of allowing it here? It has it's own forum.

    If Antimatter is produced by a Mass-fabricator, it would immediately collide with the UU-Matter and turn right back into energy, useless-ifying the whole process. And, it's been denied. Again, and again, and again. (Well, not Antimattter specifically, but tier-IV tech)

    Technic mods have a zero tolerance policy for people not reading and following the rules. How exactly is that being a douchebag?
    To put it into perspective, imagine around 50-100 newbies a day coming on here all making new posts demanding their 100% original idea of lightning rods be added, and "my install don't work, make work! I did it all right, you must have program bad!"
    I really wish that quote was an exaggeration...

    May I ask what your username on the technic forums is? I'm interesting in seeing what your firsthand experience with the forums over there has been.

    Yeah, if the moderators have a "Follow the rules" policy on Technic, why is it bad for the community of IC2 to have that same policy? Is it because... well, I can't think of a logical reason why it's a bad thing...

    Dont know if i necessarily believe that your that interested in what it means but in the chances you are it translates as 私は (I am) 足期末 (ashitsuki) and the second half is just a very casual way of saying that im a programmer. Ill give you 2 cookies at least for even reading something that wasnt the words "lightning rod"

    You're getting a little defensive... Most of us here are willing to offer you support, and would use this Addon/Mod if you made it...

    No i did read it. I just don't really care what or who he is eating. Probably should have just sent the private message and avoided all you flammers but oh well. I must thank you all for the bumps and making this thread so popular though. You all really work against your own cause. Yes 1000 people proposing lightning rods would be annoying and pointless, but 100000 people flamming each thread is even more so.

    I don't mind if you make this, but trying to say how much we fail and/or indirectly insulting us is something that I greatly dislike. Also, don't think you have a higher intelligence than us, because you don't even know us in real life. (Which is what matters, not Minecraft)

    I'd put my money on it being wrong.
    Wiki still needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

    Wrong. Terraformers use as much energy as it can get, and the 8 EU/t is the MINIMUM needed to run. However, this makes it MUCH faster, so supplying it with extra is not a waste.