Sorry folks, ExpHC really is closed.
Map download, configs, and end-game stats at
Sorry folks, ExpHC really is closed.
Map download, configs, and end-game stats at
Sadly i discovered that the only thing that should be safe (personal safes), aren't.
They can be destroyed by RP2 block breakers, i think its a bug.
So, i lost everything stored in them (after newmillenium's attack).
Added deployers to block breaker blacklist, will take effect after next server restart.
Note there may still be other ways unknown ways to break personal safes. If you want to keep something really safe, it may be safer to keep it in your inventory. Also you can use an Ender Pouch to secretly store items, as long as no one discovers the color code.
Due to the inherent difficulty of keeping personal safes safe when interacting with other mods, I've considered just disabling them entirely. Problem with doing this now is that many players already have built personal safes. Another option would be to have some kind of "lock pick" item you can craft to open other players safe's with some difficulty. But I have not implemented either of these options yet unfortunately; it is how it is now for the time being
Whitelisted and sent setup instructions
I have already have been accepted on whitelist but i haven't got the mods please send them to me so i can get on i have a mac lion my email is
Sent setup instructions
Hi, i want to play. Please White-list me.
IGN: Datzu.
Whitelisted and sent setup instructions
Im Interested in your server. may i please join. my Minecraft name is Blaster5426
Whitelisted and sent setup instructions
I'm going to second SpwnX's post, at least for an upgrade to immibis's force fields which fixes an exploit (that I may or may not have discovered/used)
I would like to request immibis forcefield update. Newest version fixes an exploit (that could be used to go through forcefields).
And an addition of a new IC² addon Advanced Generators.
Updated to latest MFFS, and a handful of other mods. Details to follow. Didn't get a chance to add Advanced Generators this time around but will keep it in mind for the future (and f4113nb34st's addons in general, many look to be very nice).
Repeat setup instructions to get setup with the latest updates.
It's not a problem. It looks like this is going to be a bit tricky as the 1.90-1 files posted still use ModLoaderMP and do not seem to use the IC2 API at all.
Yup, looks like they are extending BaseModMP and using none of the Forge GUI calls or the IC2 API at all. This is going to require some work, but it isn't impossible. It may just take me awhile longer than I expected. I'll post more when I have something to report.
Sent you this link in a PM, but reposting here in case anyone else is interested - this updated source may help.. somewhat:…ch/tree/master/obf-client - uses Forge/FML, updated for Forge GUI calls (extends NetworkMod instead of BaseModMp, uses getGuiElement())…tree/master/bukkit-server - same, but server-side port
Unfortunately, neither are built to compile using MCP.
Looking forward to your update/rewrite of this classic add-on, very much needed :). I never did complete a vanilla SMP server update, hopefully you'll be able to..
When updating to mffs rev10 + IC2 v1.103 (from mffs rev7 + IC2 v1.95b) I'm getting a bunch of warnings in the server log:
QuoteDisplay More
19:39:35 [INFO] [IC2] WARNING: mffs.TileEntityGeneratorCore@2f412d31 didn't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy accepted although demandsEnergy() returned true.
19:39:42 [INFO] [IC2] WARNING: mffs.TileEntityGeneratorCore@2f412d31 didn't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy accepted although demandsEnergy() returned true.
19:39:44 [INFO] [IC2] WARNING: mffs.TileEntityGeneratorCore@2f412d31 didn't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy accepted although demandsEnergy() returned true.
19:39:44 [INFO] [IC2] WARNING: mffs.TileEntityGeneratorCore@2f412d31 didn't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy accepted although demandsEnergy() returned true.
19:39:44 [INFO] [IC2] WARNING: mffs.TileEntityGeneratorCore@2f412d31 didn't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy accepted although demandsEnergy() returned true.
19:39:44 [INFO] [IC2] WARNING: mffs.TileEntityGeneratorCore@2f412d31 didn't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy accepted although demandsEnergy() returned true.
19:39:44 [INFO] [IC2] WARNING: mffs.TileEntityGeneratorCore@2f412d31 didn't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy accepted although demandsEnergy() returned true.
i finally found one and it had 43 diamond gears in one chest
Nice find There's also a (small) chance to find even more valuable items in these fallout shelters.
Another friend wants to join us (mawhahaha, more ppl working at my base)
IGN: puxol
Hi, I would like to play in your server, my IGN: huri11
Whitelisted and sent setup instructions
Why we can't use Animalbikes anymore?
It was so funny to ride them T.T
can you re-enable them again please?
Sadly not, a Forge update broke AnimalBikes, so I had to choose between Forge 3.3.8+ or AnimalBikes 1.2.5 v2.. I went with updating Forge instead, which allowed me to update IC2 and a bunch of other mods. I could re-enable AnimalBikes but then I'd have to downgrade back to Forge 3.1.3 and IC2 v1.90 and several other mods.
Note you can still use AnimalBikes in some sense.. they are no longer useful for travel, but they let you "ride" them, you just snap back to where you started from after you dismount. May be useful for covertly viewing remote locations (possibly in conjunction with RealisticChat's ear trumpets to hear at far distances).. think of it as an out-of-body experience.
could you please whitelist a friend? ign: karegan
Thanks, I can't wait yeah SMB done a good job but right now the seed storage one is throwing some server crashes when its used not sure how exactly.
ZexMaxwell001: Looks like it's gotten stuck in a loop when you tried to move items around. Best guess is that it's related to the phantom inventory slot used for setting the seed type. I'll keep an eye out for that when I do the official bukkit port.
This crash happens with you shift-click from your inventory into the Seed Library. Using smb's port, the server crashes immediately with an error:
2012-08-10 23:52:13 [SEVERE] java.lang.StackOverflowError
2012-08-10 23:52:13 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.Container.a(
2012-08-10 23:52:13 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.Container.clickItem(
Until this is fixed, here's a workaround to use in a Bukkit plugin to cancel the shift-click before Seed Manager gets to it:
@EventHandler(priority=EventPriority.NORMAL, ignoreCancelled=true)
public void onInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent event) {
InventoryView view = event.getView();
if (view instanceof forge.bukkit.ModInventoryView) {
forge.bukkit.ModInventoryView modView = (forge.bukkit.ModInventoryView)view;
try {
Field containerField = forge.bukkit.ModInventoryView.class.getDeclaredField("container");
net.minecraft.server.Container container = (net.minecraft.server.Container)containerField.get(modView);
if (container.toString().startsWith("net.minecraft.server.SeedLibraryContainer")) {
// workaround StackOverflowError server crash when shift-clicking Seed Manager seed library
// full trace at
// see also discussion at
if (event.isShiftClick()) {"preventing Seed Library shift-click crash");
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
Display More
Updated client with block texture from Starlight:
Works with the same server mod (still Bukkit only, sorry):
Compatible with IC2 v1.97 as well as 1.95b.
Does anyone have a 1.97 compatible version?
The updated 1.95b version I posted here: [AddOn v1.90] Charging Bench v1.90-1 also works with IC2 v1.97.
Okay thanks for an answer. Unfortunately this means I must abandon my plans for a WMD (or multiple depending on how evil I was feeling) controlled by wireless redstone
Well you could use an IC2 nuke + a RedPower igniter..
Can you whitelist
IGN: garym287
Can me and MysteriousNoob34 join your server and we use macs if that changes the mods
Whitelisted and sent setup instructions. I use a Mac too
is there a easy way to find a fallout out shelter or do u have to find it by pure luck?
Mostly luck, since they spawn randomly (in 0.1% of chunks) anywhere. But they're the easiest to find over large bodies of water. Also you can use an Ore Value Scanner, they show up as very high value, although usually its just easier to fly over the ocean and look for anything unusual - but your mileage may vary.
Display MoreOh this looks nice, I would like to join for derping and looting.
IGN: AlecWhite
Edit: a couple of friends wants to join too.
Added and sent setup instructions.
Hello can i join this awesome server?
IG Name: MCTG_Gavin
Added and sent setup instructions.
You never answered my question, has fissile material been turned off?
Yes, unfortunately, the only features of Cake's Miner Apocalypse still used on this server are the craters (just holes in the ground) and (heavily customized) fallout shelters.. there were some stability/performance problems with the other features, fissile material which can be used to create dirty bombs for example would create radiation, which the plugin implemented by applying the radioactivity effect each time the player moved. But I think fallout shelters are the best feature of the plugin anyways
I'm really liking this server so far, I've got a good setup going with (finally) a THX helicopter safely hidden away, but the people on here are practically impossible to find. I took my helicopter out for its first spin and over the course of the next hour I only found evidence of people having been at places like 10 different times, but never anything close to a base, and I had to end my journey with just an electric jetpack, a generator, and some leather I found near a suspiciously nuclear-sized hole.
There's been several raided bases or other player interactions I know of.. you may try a faster vehicle to cover more area and have more luck. The helicopter is fairly slow, may be worth trying the hot air balloon, a gravitation suite, or even just running with quantum armor you can cover a lot of ground quickly. Or maybe most players have just gotten smart about building more secretive bases :).
QuoteThat being said it definitely lives up to its name of being hardcore as that death ban ensures every death is like stepping into lava, I just wish the craters would regenerate from the miner apocalypse plugin as I joined way too late to experience those
Well the craters are not much to miss, the fallout shelters are where its at. They have a chance to contain rare items found nowhere else, including custom potions and special enchantment effects, among other items from various mods and addons. Many have been found, but there are 862 total generated on the map, I think there's still plenty to be raided. You can recognize them by a solitary trapdoor on the surface leading down a ladder to a vault of reinforced stone.
i love your server but can u please get rid of realistic chat because it gets boreing when u cant talk to anyone because everyone is to far away
Could but its one of the main themes behind this server, "apocalyptic" in the sense of random spawn + local chat. Check out this video to get an idea of what I was going for: Solitude (Minecraft Short Film). Essentially, you spawn in a random location most likely away from anyone else to simulate survival on your own after an cataclysmic event – it starts out similar to SSP, except with the added risk (or reward) of finding new players or other player-created structures.
There are many things you can do if you want to talk to other players, however. You could setup a radio beacon constantly transmitting a message to help other players find you, or carry a mobile radio to pick up anyone else's radio beacon signals and try to find their origin. RealisticChat also has several features for longer-range communication. You can yell very loudly (hey!!!!) to increase your range significantly, or use a bullhorn to increase the range in one direction, or wear an ear trumpet to increase your hearing range. To communicate even further away, you can use a walkie-talkie (shared channel, everyone talks on, as long as they are within range) or a smartphone (private communication, any range, as long as the other player picks up when you ring them).
Would like to join, however I updated to 1.3.1 already.Mind helping?
Sure, you can download the 1.2.5 minecraft.jar officially from Mojang at:
Also, is there a possibility of adding nerdboy64's Simpleguns? Mostly to expand the arsenal. I like sniping.
Adding biplanes would be nice too.
Unfortunately not likely for 1.2.5; not impossible but SimpleGuns requires ModLoaderMp so it'd have to be ported to Forge before porting to Bukkit (since I run Bukkit on ExpHC), and Flan's Mod (which has biplanes) isn't SMP for 1.2.5 (it was for 1.1, and I used it at that time on ExpHC). But I agree both of these mods look very cool, certainly something to keep an eye on. Meanwhile, though its not the same, THX Helicopter and Balkon's Weapon Mod are installed.
m157, SpwnX, BEBEBE112 - whitelisted and PM'd you all setup instructions.
I applied a long time ago and seemingly did not come online.
This was because for me only 2-3 chunks would load and that there was a severe delay. I was guessing this was because of the ping between US and EU.
Other that that i'm sure you will find a nice experience.
Hmm, maybe.. the server is hosted on the west coast USA, but it has a gigabit uplink directly to InterNAP; I suppose connecting from EU would be slower but would not expect it to be severely slow. Anyone else seeing this problem? Maybe it could be a graphical glitch, some players have problems using the various editions of Optifine and have better luck with other editions or graphical settings, but I don't know. Sorry it didn't work out well for you :(.
IGN: MythicLich
Whitelisted, sent you setup instructions on reddit.
Can my sisters and I join your server our IGNs are softball2002, explosion25 and sowersnc0298. I can help them with the mods once you give them to me.
Sure thing, whitelisted everyone and sent setup instructions.
Updated tons of the mods. Full list of changes at is available, but as far as IC2 addons go, ExpHC is now running an updated Modular Forcefields, Nuclear Control, and Gravitation Suite. Lots of bug fixes across all the mods.
If you're already setup with the server, simply repeat the first step of the setup instructions sent to you and this will get you updated with the latest versions to connect to the updated server.
And of course, if you're interested in joining ExpHC is still accepting new members! See the top post for information on how to apply to join.
In the Bukkit port (, the mffs.BlockForceField block is missing a corresponding org.bukkit.Material enum field (i.e., Material.X210). The block is correctly present in net.minecraft.server but not in Bukkit, which will cause NPEs with plugins that interact with this block. I had the same problem in a couple of my ports; fix is easy: just call registerBlock() on the server.
When I open a Teleport Pipe (from the Buildcraft Additional Pipes mod) while flying in a Gravitation Suite I get a client crash:
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 6, Size: 0
at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(
at java.util.ArrayList.get(
at dd.b(SourceFile:80)
at dd.a(SourceFile:228)
at adl.a(
at fu.a(SourceFile:26)
at lg.b(
at adl.b(
at je.c(SourceFile:50)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.k(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(
2012-07-14 10:42:55 [SEVERE] A critical error has occurred.
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 6, Size: 0
at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(
at java.util.ArrayList.get(
at dd.b(SourceFile:80)
at dd.a(SourceFile:228)
at adl.a(
at fu.a(SourceFile:26)
at lg.b(
at adl.b(
at je.c(SourceFile:50)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.k(
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.x(
Crash doesn't occur when flying in creative mode, only with the Gravitation Suite..