Posts by silentdeth

    Things like these should be in the Buildcraft Wiki, i almost never find anything specific to how the Energy works in Buildcraft :X

    I agree the difference between oil and fuel is a bit extreme, to where one should never ever use oil as a fuel source. But, I didn't come up with the ratio, SpaceToad did, I am merely staying true to a direct energy conversion. Personally, I would like there to be some intermediate steps/fuels between oil and 'fuel' with perhaps some useful byproducts, i.e. tar, but there isn't right now, maybe there will be in the future. You should also note that the amount of energy you need for buildcraft does increase a bit in the 3.x versions.

    As for the lack of info on how energy works, I totally agree. It is a pet peeve of mine that there isn't more info on this available to the play. A large number of bugs exist and go unnoticed simply because BC has nothing like an EU reader. If it did people would be flooding him with bug reports about things not working right, it is something that makes things a lot harder for me, because you then convert the buggy BC energy into EU which you can measure and go "Hey! Wait a minute, that's not right."

    I'm not sure, line 103 is different in my version so I am not entirely sure what is causing it. I am also not very familar with bukkit or how it loads. Maybe try putting IC2 in the jar? That is just a guess, I've not much to go on. Looks like it is some issue with the load order.

    Bug Found : the petrochemical generator will not consume a fuel bucket unless it is removed by the player, using the GUI. It does not scan it's own inventory for full fuel buckets and remove them automatically. This prevents you from using redstone power to refuel a generator using pneumatic tubes, which would be a convenient feature to have.

    FIXED : All you need to do is add to your OnTick() class for the file is your function "update();" to the top. That will cause it to check if it has buckets in inventory every tick.

    It in fact does do so, it just doesn't do so every tick. Wait a few seconds and it will use the bucket, this is only if it is not empty.

    My experiences with IC teleporters have been none too enjoyable. For one thing, they draw way too much power - and they're not the most reliable in terms of delivery. They're probably fine between two locations that are within walking distance anyways, but they need a lot of love before I'll consider them worthwhile.

    F4113nb34st's personal teleporter add-on was a promising option (I primarily want something to port me home from the field) but every time I used it I wound up in the Void, even after he said it was "fixed".

    An odd thing happened with the Portal spawner when I removed the Portal mod and added the BC-IC crossover. Apparently, one of the portal spawners in a distant chunk became two Oil Materializers instead! It caused my most recent save to crash shortly after loading, but I went back to an earlier save, destroyed them and retrieved the chunkloader block from that area. Hopefully that solved the problem.

    That probably means you had a block ID conflict.

    It's possible that I could, sadly the Portal Gun mod is not as clean and concise as yours. There is a bunch of crap I don't know anything about and would never use anyhow - I think all I ever used was the Portal Gun, the Portal Spawners, Advanced Knee Replacements and Weighted Companion Cube. Everything else was useless to me. But I couldn't find a way to install just that stuff, and disabling parts of it in the config might not change the fact that it doesn't play nice with your add-on.

    I don't think it's a config-related issue, at any rate. The error report seemed to indicate something deeper within java, and I'm no programmer. But I do know that it wasn't anything as simple as an ID conflict - those are simple to resolve.

    So I ditched the portal gun mod and I think I'll get by just fine with the TF2 stuff instead.

    No one ever uses the IC2 teleporter... granted it sometimes blows up (or have they fixed that?), but still. People should just walk, why when I was your age, I had to walk a 1000 blocks, uphill, both ways, in the dark armed with only half a stick just get some dirt. And by golly I was happy to make the trip too. Kids these days *grumble grumble*

    I did try from a fresh install - a couple of times, in fact. Haven't tried just loading BC, IC and this add-on, but that's not really an option since I'm looking to add it to already-established worlds.
    From the error log (and ID checker) it almost looks like it's not seeing names for some of the blocks. I don't know too much about the underlying code, but I'm still trying to troubleshoot why the build works fine except when this add-on is included.

    What I think is happening is there is an error somewhere that is caught and not reported. Might be in my code, or someone elses. That's what you need to find. The error message you are seeing has nothing to do with what the real issue is.

    It crashes on loading, so it doesn't matter if there are items in your world are, don't load the world, just find which combination of mods load and which do not.

    I have installed it correctly - everything else is working fine. When I add this mod, it crashes, when I remove it, the game loads again and I can play without any problems. I'd love to post the full modloader text but there is a character limit so I had to pare it down quite a bit. I'll run it again and attach it.

    Not sure, I don't really see anything in there that could be causing it. Maybe something else is interfering with it loading. Try running just crossover BC and IC2 and see what happens. If you still get an error, start with a clean jar and reinstall modloader, modloaderMP, and forge; and try again. If that doesn't work... I dunno post the results here and I'll come up with something.

    I am using forge 1.24 and not having any problems. Are you sure you installed it correctly?

    Full modloader.txt.

    I'm guessing you have the generator set to false? Turn it back on and it should work. I'll note the bug.

    Not just a port, there are other changes, behind the scenes, I just didn't feel like writing them down.


    i have installed this mod before: BuilCraft Additionalpipes 31.4 and run OK, now i installed youre mod BuildCraft-IndustrialCraft Crossover Mod v1.14b and now i cant see me old additionlpipes (now are invisible) can anyone help me o tell me how i can solve this problem?

    Thx :D

    You could try renaming Additionalpipes zip file so it loads first, putting an a in front of it's current name. . . Though from the number of complaints it seems that is a common problem with that mod in combination with any other BC addon.

    First off, thanks for working on the BC 3.x version and releasing it to us SSP players! Second, is there anyway to get lava power into IC2 energy other than Stone Engine -> Petrochemical Generator? Would be great if there were another way, I try to avoid mass engines if possible due to performance.

    Iron engines can burn lava. Or do this: using RP2. You can just use buckets directly and skip the cell step if you want.