Posts by kevindude

    thx for the advice. Because i dont really like EE, i am working on a version of this reactor that uses snowmen and compressors for the ice
    i will use yr adivce in that one

    After some experimenting, i have produced a Mark 1-O that pumps out 2050eu/t! It does use Equivilent Exchange, but just for proof of concept(It would take way too many pumps to make this much ice!)
    Here is the reactor set-up:

    thing can run forever without heating up!
    Here is the inside:

    My readings from the eu reader:

    And finally, my Talonfire Thing

    I did this in creative, but i might build somthing similar in survial, but without EE. If i do, i will post some pics of that.

    So if two People are thinking, that a Diamondblock is theirs, then you go and saw that Diamondblock into two Pieces? :D

    But there are four things:
    1. I'm Atheist, so i just dont join a Christ-server.
    2. Grief-Free? Boring! My Securitysystems would be useless.
    3. You misspelled Eloraam, you have to go to your Hell for that!!! :cursing: :cursing: :cursing:
    4. And finally, look at my actual Signature, lol.

    About the diamond block, LOL at least youve heard one bible story! (we have redpower so its possible :P ) Acutally, i would look at the log and give it to who it belonged to because the 7th commandment is do not steal. (Thats what i mean by going by the bible)
    1. If you dont want anyone to talk to you about it, we respect your views. You dont have to be a Christian to join
    2. Your are entitled to your opinion regard what type of server you play, I think that griefing servers are fun for about 5min
    3. thank you for telling me. fixed. (i am really mad at myself, i love redpower!)
    4. FINALY!! YAY GREG DID IT!! (You are my favorite non-dev on the forum so im glad you did that)

    Oh shit, didn't realise that Lightning gens were a hated idea 0.o
    Oh well, now I need to think of something that doesn't make me look noobish *sigh*

    My advice, edit your post and take out lightning rod. Im supprised your not banned yet!

    [/color]EDIT: All of the info below is invalid, as i am closing the server. I have decied i dont have the time nor the money to keep hosting the server. It has been a great ride, and i love all you guys who ever joined my server <3 On Dec. 16, the server will go offline, but until then, it will still be up.

    Admin, plz dont delete this thread, just unsticky it.

    The first Christian server! (You dont have to be a Christian to join)
    The reason we call this a Christian server is because all the rules and decisions of the Admins are made with regard to biblical standards.

    Our goal is too create a community where Minecraftian Steves can build great things with each other and have no fear of griefing.


    To aid in the "fun factor" of this server, a number of mods have been included!
    Here is the list of awesome mods and their equally aweomse creators:
    Industrial Craft, by Alblaka and his team Ic2 forums
    Redpower, by Eloraam Minecraft forums
    Buildcraft, by SpaceToad Buildcraft website
    Equivilent Exchange, by x3n0ph0b3 and Pahimar Minecraft forums (Energy collecors, relays, condensers, and transmutation are disabled due to being over-powered on SMP)
    Forestry, by SirSengir Forestry wiki
    Iron Chests, by cpw Minecraft forums
    And last, but not least:
    Wireless Redstone (CBE) and NEI, by ChickenBones Minecraft forums

    Serveral addons for Ic2 are also included:
    Ic2-BC crossover by silentdeth Ic2 forums
    Nuclear Control, by Shedar Ic2 forums
    Adv. Machines by, AtomicStryker Ic2 forums
    and Adv Solar Panels, by SeNtiMeL Ic2 forums


    A modpack with these mods can be dowloaded here
    Heres the IP:


    We also serveral bukkit plugins such as;
    Core Protect
    Precious Stones
    Lapis Portals
    and many more!

    If you have anything you would like to say, please comment!

    We also have a forum: