Posts by kokkie20

    At first thank you to for your reaction.
    About TMI/NEI i rather have NEI then Single Player Commands. Just only for the recipes so i know how to craft certain items i want when i play survival.
    I also have rather both (Buildcraft + Redpower) Since i wanna play around a lot with these mods to *in a creative world* (so ic2 + bc + rp + some other mods)

    Ok just kick me lol... I searched on internet, and found some guy on youtube (think most poeple know him, direwolf20). I found a post on the official minecraft forum and there where all the mods he used with his config files. I downloaded them added them to the .minecraft folder.
    And it worked !
    Thanks all who tried to help me ! :thumbup:

    I am just new to the IC2 of minecart.
    I saw it and i realy like it but i got a problem with it, and can't figure out how to solve this.
    What i do is: Start minecraft -> Single player -> Create new world -> Enter new world -> It loads the game, then suddenly it says Saving chunks -> Black screen -> Crash.
    Hope u guys understand what i mean with it.
    I know you got to put in error log so here it is:

    Anyone got a idea how to solve this ?
    Thanks a lot ! :thumbup: