Our items can be crafted with all kinds of planks.
Posts by RichardG
RawCode, please give me which edits of yours got griefed.
The issue I'm worried about is that the TextureFX may cause issues with MCPatcher/Optifine which change them, but I think I found a solution for that.
ps. bugreports ignored 90% of the time, first version that actually reacted to bugreports was 190, all versions before my bugreports was ignored completely and most bugs still unfixed.
Tell me which and I'll happily look into them. Except the miner one that is, I don't know jack about the miner code and Player is busy.
You could make a mod to null out the items you don't want.
Might be the range. Every meter or so a laser loses power, and if it's not powerful enough to hit a block, it stops.
Try pressing alt a few times. If it doesn't work, change your alt key in the controls menu to something else.
We don't support Bukkit nor Tekkit
The scrapbox crash was fixed, Al is on the toolbox one.
Again, 1/1/1 vanilla crops don't drop seedbags, but if you manage to improve at least one stat, it will drop a seedbag.
Try upgrading to the latest Forge, a recent build fixed a possible comeback of the ghost tile entity issue.Oh wait it's for 1.2.5. Try the latest for 1.2.4? -
Let's wait for the next snapshot and see if it applies. If yes, they only turned it on after building 1.2.5.
The obfuscation isn't incremental on 12w15a, Block went from pb to pj. I already stoned Tahg because of this.
Survey complete, thanks for the feedback everyone.
The Minecraft 1.2.5 version of IC2.
NEI integration is fixed in the 1.2.5 version, now using ChickenBones' code.
Your launcher seems to be messed up...
That was fixed
Seed bags don't drop from vanilla Minecraft crops if the growth, gain and resistance are 1.