Upgrade Forge to at least build 64, previous ones had a bug with the configuration file.
Posts by RichardG
I am trying to fix the items picked up but not appearing in the inventory bug.
EDIT: Fixed.
As Al once said, it's supposed to be fixed on 1.90, but seems it's not.
GregoriusT, you failed. Recipe Book doesn't work with IC2, use CraftGuide or nEI.
ChickenBones linked me this.
It appears to be the submodule code he gave me, compiled for 1.2.3. Give it a shot.
It is known that it doesn't work and will be fixed.
The amount was flexible since when I adapted electric jetpacks to comply with world height mods. The maximum flight height is the world height divided by 1.28:
100 blocks high for a 128 tall world (pre-1.2, and yes, I increased it from 85 back then)
200 blocks high for a 256 tall world (1.2)
400 blocks high for a 512 tall world
800 blocks high for a 1024 tall world
1600 blocks high for a 2048 tall world (hypothetical)
3200 blocks high for a 4096 tall world (hypothetical)
and so on. -
No, we can't.
Also, speak properly.
Wrapper being a way to make FML but not break compatibility with ModLoaderMP by merging its baseclass edits with FML's.
Agree with me or cpw's decision to not make a MLMP wrapper?
Updated to 1.90
Extremely one-sided decision to break all MLMP mods. I tried asking them to make a MLMP wrapper but they said no "since it would be used forever and noone would transition to NetworkMod that way".
McMyAdmin or Multicraft, or if you're running Linux you can manually restart the server every 12 hours or so with a pair of scripts.
If it's a balance issue in vanilla Minecraft we can't do stuff.
This bug is fixed in 1.90
The canner will can anything that is recognizable as food. Think I wanna keep the funny.
I'll look into it, the crash lies in Minecraft
Run Minecraft with the tool then try to open scrapboxes until it crashes, THEN give the report.
Delete the ic2/neiIntegration11x folder in the IC2 jar.