Graphical glitch, also related to the fact the energy bar on machines don't update correctly.
Posts by RichardG
Then Forge is definitely installed incorrectly...
Both Equivalent Exchange and BuildCraft, and running on Bukkit (which we don't support).
fff I broke it
Fixed for the next patch...
Which mods?
Try it without 4096fix.
Magnetizers on SMP are glitchy, I tried fixing them.
Don't put Forge on the mods folder.
Me and Al talking about the unused potion effects:
Quote<Alblaka> F.e. one does cause your view to shuffle around, it's called "Nausea". And that's totally correct, it causes severe Nausea to the player in front of the screen.
You're assigning a block idea out of bounds of the permitted spectrum.
Which is amusing, given the ArrayList SHOULD contain 4096 entries, with 4095 being the last one.Try giving the specific block a different value via config.
In short, the 4k block IDs aren't there yet and you can't use them unless you install a patch.
Disable IC2 sounds. Open .minecraft/config/IC2.cfg on Notepad and replace soundsEnabled=true by soundsEnabled=false
Forge fixes the issue
Upgrade to Forge
We didn't do and don't have control over the Bukkit port. You have to ask whoever made the port.
Try upgrading Forge to
EDIT: Ninja'd
Try the water mill. BuildCraft installed?
They are doing so, charging any electricitem.
I thought the OP meant they should charge all armor pieces instead of just the chestplate. They SHOULD charge backpacks though...