That's a very rare case of the target chunk being unloaded. Hard to reproduce.
Posts by RichardG
That's a BuildCraft issue...
Yup you got it right, varying sources. You can only emit integer amounts of energy so water mills use a ticker for passive production, making them a varying source.
Did you delete the meta-inf folder? You shouldn't.
All of you using the old Forge.
I already sent LexManos a message either way.
Try adding a z in front of the mod's zip name.
Use Forge
If you want unbreakable stuff which can multiply your diamonds, go enchant a diamond pick.
Tried asking mcportcentral first?
Update Forge to
Tried powering both the miner and the pump?
Can't be true.
Known, small EU readings can cause confusion.
Are you using any 1.0.0 addons?
They're not coming back. Also enchantments on drills don't do anything.
The getItem call is returning null. Tried running your mod alongside IC2 outside of MCP?
You're doing it wrong.