Posts by BrianCogs

    You do know that there is a Compendium of denied Suggestions? A Flashlighthelmet is listed there, and that Suggestion is veeeeery old.

    Actually no I didn't thank you. I looked through the suggestions, and didn't see it, I didn't know there was a list of things to say to piss people off. I'll read that before posting in the future. Thanks!

    Hey. I just think it would be great if I didn't have to always make torches to go explore some mines. Maybe if I had a hand-held flashlight that ran off battery, and maybe another stylish head strap to have a hands-free light source. If the code is possible this would be a great addition to an already awesome mod.
    Perhaps a recipe for a parabolic lens of tin, with perhaps some sort of glow/red stone bulbs? Just some suggestion.