Posts by Cakejoke

    GregoriusT: What I'm interested in is if Eloraam decides to implement something similar to the repeater locks in her repeaters. It could produce some interesting new compact circuits.

    She already has a circuit for that which is only one block: the transparent latch. With the one difference that the output is set to the input when the control signal is on, not off.

    Got the following crash report when adding ExtrabiomesXL to the game with some other mods installed. I don't know of any incompatibility between this and EBXL, but at the bottom it says something about MFFS, so I decided to post it here.

    EDIT: Whoops, nevermind, I just noticed that there were some block IDs overlapping which wasn't shown in the stack trace (at least I didn't see it there).

    Would be kinda silly for it to be dependent on another mod tho ^^
    But the idea of the helmet sounds awesome :)

    Well, this mod could check whether Compact Solars is installed. If it is, it'll use the HV solar array and if it isn't, it'll use something equally expensive.

    EDIT: BTW, I think it would be cool if you could place the superconductors in the world, as a cable without any energy loss.

    I have a suggestion on how the tube modulator could be made a little bit more versatile:
    What about a change that when you put a distance modulator in a projector with a tube modulator, it'll shift the tube on block in the direction the projector is facing? Focusmatrixes could be used for extending the tube to each of the four sides. This would also allow to create tube force fields that aren't a square when you look from the front. I think it would also be useful to decrease the default tube radius so that it' directly around the projector to allow some player-sized tubes (together with the above changes).

    EDIT: This could also be made in form of an advanced tube upgrade, like with the cube. And I think it would make more sense if the distance modulator took over the functionality of the strength modulator in an advanced cube projector.

    it use 1000 Eu per use

    Hmmm, that's weird, because after I used it to encode about 7 cards (in SSP, so it might be a secret feature again) and put it into an MFSU with some energy in it, it didn't drain any. Also, the damage bar didn't go down while using it.

    EDIT1: About misspelling: <Rang> in the generator upgrade needs an "e", so that it's <Range>.

    EDIT2: Derp about ID-card coder: I didn't notice that it used the energy of my Lappack... BTW, is the synchron capacitor supposed to almost completely drain your Lappack in a single use? Would be cool if it could be set to not use Lappack energy, since it's quite annoying to have to charge your Lappack over and over.

    is not a Bug is a feature

    Ah ok, I thought that might be the case, but since I wasn't able to test it in SMP, I wasn't sure.

    fix in Beta4

    Awww, no diamond for me? :whistling:

    Also, thanks for the update. :)

    EDIT1: Back to bughunting: Although the ID-card coder says: "Not enough EU, please charge" when empty, it doesn't actually use any EU. (Beta4)

    EDIT2: Aaand, although every broken force field block is immediately being replaced, tools still take durability damage. I don't know whether the blocks are intended to be breakable or not, though. But I guess it would make sense that tools lose durability while trying to smash through some kind of energetic force field...

    Hello, I think I may have found some bugs in Beta4pre3:

    First, the security station now seems to let anyone pass, even when there's no personal ID-card in it (only tested in Singleplayer, though).

    Second, the new textures are missing the red dot on them while there's a modulator in the projector.

    Cheers, Cakejoke

    EDIT: I think it would be a good idea if the security ID-cards showed the respective player as a tooltip. Also, the force power generator could show its ID and all frequency cards linking to it could show the ID of the connected generator.