What about remaking the water mill, so it both feels more like a real water mill and so it's a little more effective? Right now it's really weak, even for it's price - and it doesn't encourage building it into a water mill-like building nor a water power plant.
Right now, they're decently effective when getting water buckets inserted into them, encouraging builds like this (with tekkit): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2gijrRxKkw&feature=fvwrel
This isn't really the issue, I think that use is fine, it's the unmanned mechanics I don't really like.
They're very ineffective, but can work, when sunk completely into water, encouraging simply putting them in a lake - which doesn't feel like a water mill at all. If someone doesn't know, they work by counting all blocks of running water and water sources in a 3x3x3 square centered on the mill - meaning you want to have just the mill and a cable and the rest being water. It gives .01 EU per water block, maxing out at .25 EU with cable (or .26 if using a battery). Even with the two-for-one price of them that's really, really weak when they have to be spaced so far from each other.
Picture for reference below. Right now, the right side is a water mill in full effect (producing a total of 1 EU/t) while the left side is a very inefficient water mill (total of 0.44 EU/t).

So, current mechanic is:
1. Count all blocks in a 3x3x3 square.
2. For each of those that are running water or a water source, X is +1.
3. X * 0.01 = EU created.
I propose the following change:
1. Count all blocks in a 3x3x3 square.
2. For each of those that are running water (NO water source), X is +1.
3. The least of X * 0.03 or .3 = EU created.
Basically, this means only running water counts, and it only matters up to 10 blocks.
With that calculation, the left power plant works at full strength and give 1.2 EU/t, while the right one is pretty ineffective (actually non-functioning as the water is still, but could be made to work decently if you really want that look by removing the bottom layers of water sources).
What do people think? Is it something for the official mod, something for an addon, or something that's just up the walls crazy?
What do you people think?