Posts by coolcat99

    When running Minecraft Forge and Minecraft Exteneded, I get a crash.

    After about 10 minutes of debuggnig and fixing, I figure out the problem.

    ItemSpriteAPI (in MCF) uses the ra and bb classes.

    Minecraft Exteneded uses the same classes.

    These classes are used for rendering items. If I install MCF's ra and bb classes over the MCE one's, these graphics are fine but everything else added by mods isn't.

    If I do it the opposite way. (MCE over MCF), then IC2 graphics do not display correctly.

    IC2 is the only mod I use that uses the ItemSpriteAPI feature, which is why I am turning to these developers for assitance.

    The soultion I think would work: using normal ModLoader graphic loading, or releasing this feature on a seperate thread or something like that.

    Thanks for assitance,


    I always found the recipe book had too many pages to be useful. Spent more time flicking through it than actually reading recipes. There's another mod called Crafting Book that is much handier. Can't remember the coder. It lets you put an item in one slot and then it tells you everything you can make with that item. As you normally have a rough idea what things include, it's much faster to get through than the recipe book.

    The coder is SHOCKAH. Author of SHOCKAHPI, find it on Shockah's mods. Much better than recipe book.

    Is it possible for MCE to work perfectly with MCF?

    The closest I have gotten is IC2's graphics showing up as graphics from the original sprite sheet.

    Problem is to do with the bb and ra classes. Item Render is ra, I have no idea what bb is.

    BB and RA classes are used by ItemSpriteAPI (part of MCF) to render graphics.

    Can a solution be sent ASAP, I think I need this by tommorrow or at least less than a week later.....