Well Alblaka I do hope you guys to plan to port to 1.3, I know Eloraam has already said she is planning to port RP2 over for 1.3. I do agree with you, it will be interesting to see how BTW fairs with this new system.
Posts by SimpleMajority
They prepare for 1.3.1 and the 164-Version was the last for 1.2.5
They prepare for 1.3.1 and the 164-Version was the last for 1.2.5
ahh okay.
related somewhat... I was on the jenkins build system for MCF and this is on the page.
QuoteThis project is currently disabled
What's up with MCF?
I think adding the armor graphic is just a bit overboard and I won't be updating until I have to. Now if there is a way to disable the extra graphics then it would be nice to have.
I must of miscalculated on the windmills but I agree with the idea of having the chance to break after 10EU. I didn't even think of the recycling machine and adding support for aether materials.
Okay maybe I do have the extra burst of energy lol.
First off the base materials of aether:
Aether Dirt - no real use in my book other than making bridges
Holystone - Could be macerated in a aether edition macerator to Quicksoil (x1)
Ambrosium Ore - macerates into Ambrosium Dust (x1)
Zanite Ore - macerates into Zanite Dust (x2)
Gravitite Ore - macerates into Gravitite Dust (x1)
Skyroot planks - used in place of standard wood planks
Ice Stone - ???
Aerclouds (cold, blue, gold, and gel) - compresses it into chunks, possibly for making a new type of energy crystal (tier 1, 2 ,3 power storage)Machines:
Name: Sun Macerator
EU drain per tick: 4
Duration: 15-20 base (depending on item)Name: Electric Freezer
EU drain per tick: 8
Duration: 15 baseName: Digital Enchanter
EU drain per tick: 16
Duration: 30 baseName: Electric Incubator
EU drain per tick: 16
Duration: 250 base (I am assuming the original version is 300 seconds)Name: Sky Macerator
EU drain per tick: 4
Duration: 15 baseName: Sky Compressor
EU drain per tick: 4
Duration: 15 baseName: Sky Generator
Fuel types allowed: Skyroot, Skyroot Planks, Skyroot Saplings, and Ambrosium
EU generated per tick: 12 EU
Total EU per day: 1000-8000 per unitName: Sky Energy Array
Fuel Type: Aether sun
EU generated per tick: .5 EU
Total EU per day: 600 per panelName: High Altitude Windmill
Fuel Types: NONE
EU Generated per tick: 2-6
Total EU per day: 2400-7200changing the order of the energy generators would be required. Energy array should be the cheapest and easiest to build, where the H.A. Windmill should be more costly in resources.
I was in a rush earlier (went to a local observatory with my telescope to break it in finally). I agree it would have to be built as a addon. As I was waiting on sunset to occur I put more thought into the idea. I was thinking that the crystals could be macerated into a powder, which in turn would be used in recipes. This would open the doors for the electric freezer which would have a slight bonus over the standard freezer. Also, you could macerate holystone into the sand that is in aether (can't remember the name of it off the top of my head). I haven't tested solar energy in aether yet, but even if it did work a new panel (possibly the aether solar array) could be used and it would output say 8EU per tick over the standard 5EU, but it would only function within aether. Another thing I thought of was creating a new windmill (again, only functioning in aether) that would produce a slightly higher base EU over the standard windmill.
I am extremely exhausted right now and I just don't have the energy to build a list, but I will do so after I get off work tomorrow if someone is interested in taking on this addon idea.
That dimension being the Aether. Recently aether relaunched with full forge support which means all forge mods can work with the aether. Problem is the aether is a different world when it comes to everything. I was thinking of a addon to IC2 that would retool the machines to work in aether. For example, take the macerator and rename it to something that sounds aether-ish, give it a new recipe that takes into account the aether based materials. It would not function outside of aether and could macerate aether based materials for further production. Creating a set of retooled machines would really take it to the next level, but also power has to be addressed. Ambrosia is the aether's version of coal, so a new generator would be required, and possibly re-tooling the solar panels to accept energy from the aether sun would be required. New machines could include a electric incubator for growing moa's and the electric freezer.
I would post more, but I am a rush atm. I could sit down and get more detailed with it.
the mod is located on http://www.facebook.com/AetherMod
and as far as I am aware they are NOT using MC forums at this time to post their mod up.
I am not seeing my machines in NEI, CraftGuide, nor can I even craft them.I am using FML and IC^2 1.97
Sorry I am brain dead tonight. I am in the process of loading Aether 1.9 and it required reseting everything. forgot the Adv. machines needed to be extracted from the download. -
then I will make the jump to 1.97 then
I am still on 1.95b and won't upgrade until I know Atomic's Adv. Machines and Compact Solars work with 1.97. So until then I guess I can just spawn them into the game. Thanks.
I like this addon, however, a few issues. I attempted to craft the regular engine and was unable to do so. I read the recipe as follows:
1x RE battery
1x Combustion Engine
1x Electric CircuitI attempted to craft it with every possible combination with 0 results, however, I can directly spawn in to the game with NEI. That is my second issue, I cannot get the recipe information for the engines in NEI and to my knowledge the same holds true for the generators as well. I would like to see this added to CraftGuide as well.
That being said I spawned in a regular engine on my test world and connected it some of my devices in forestry and it ran beautifully. I agree with you 100% on why would electric engines need water for cooling??? That was so very annoying with the BCIC addon.
awesome thanks. I guess I will need to refine my req on the sphax forums now
mffs_rev3_for_1.2.5-client == Version 1.0 ported by immibis. had indeed inserted a break in the time he has ported the original on SMP and Bukkit and named it rev3
mod_ModularForceFieldSystemV2_dev3_client = Version 2.0 like you see in the videos is a reboot of my mods and SMP capable dev3++
Dev = steps of Insert new features ( Dev3 = SMP, Dev4 = Defence Station,,)
next Beta = if main features complete ..new textures for icon / blocks and spelling errors
So if I get the V2 version I would have the same setup as the video with the new GUI and features? -
fixed it. I noticed in the videos on the OP that you had changed the entire UI and the entire system. I was sad to not see it in rev3, but I guess that we shall be seeing this soon?
okie I will give that a go.
Trying to upgrade to the latest version of MFFS and I got this error:
https://pastebin.com/uRiJfZy0Using the mffs_rev3_for_1.2.5-client and the immibis-core_49.1.0_for_1.2.5-client
My IC2 version is 1.95b and my forge version is
For now I am removing the addon so I can test charging bench and the new armor gui in the pending addons
I placed teh immibis core jar file in my mods directory.Update====
So I placed only the immibis core in my mods directory and the game booted fine, but when the mffs mod was added the above error happens. -
Is there any planned support for NEI or CraftGuide?
my reactor is encased in water. I will post a video on it monday.
I am not saying that his should be removed by any means. I am saying that I found one that isn't requiring a steady stream of materials. I will have to shoot video of the two reactors side by side and y'all can see what is happening. A project for monday.
I copied your design cell by cell exactly by printing out the design. Within about a 30 minute span half the coolant cells were gone in the reactor.
Rick if you look closely at the two design ragan's design is heavy on coolant cells, where as mine is equally distributing the cells around. This is probably why his design gets more cycles than mine. I let mine run full cycle and at the end of it all my coolant cells and heat dispersers where still intact.