Posts by Ridous

    So you are suggesting my Addon with diffrent Recipes? Well, you will have to wait for the new componentbased Craftingrecipes.

    With components i mean Superconductors, lapotronic Energycondensators or superadvanced Machineblocks, instead of Iridiumplates or advanced Circuits.

    Thing is, I didn't know there was already an addon with more EU storage :x

    (I'm bad at this kind of thing)

    Have you ever filled up your MSFU to fast using nueclear and still want to store energy
    but your working in a VERY cramped space to place more MFSUs?

    I suggest a higher tier than MFSU called Electron Chamber

    The EC would be able to hold 5million EU and output 4096 EU/t

    recipe being

    A B A
    B A B
    A L A

    A = MFSU Core
    B = Electron Coil
    L = Lapis Block

    to get MFSU Cores all you have to do is put an MFSU in the crafting grid with an electric wrench.

    Electron Coil (x2) recipe

    E E E
    U U U
    R N R

    E = Lapis Lazulie
    U = Advanced Alloy
    R = Gold ingot
    N = Diamond

    Electron Coil can also be used as wiring for 4096 EU/t+ however they do not come with good insulation
    and will electrcute anyone near it when it transfers more than 512 EU/t

    and then maybe a portable version called the MEC (not creative is it)?
    It would work like a lapatron but unplaceable in any machine execpt the EC and MFSU.

    MEC recipe


    G = EC Core
    C = Safety Handles
    I = Display

    EC Core is gotten just like MFSU

    Safety Handles (x4) recipe

    U W U
    W U W
    U W U

    U = Advanced Alloy
    W = Carbon Plate

    They can also be used to cover Electron Coils so you don't get shocked. Just surround 1 Coil with
    8 Handles.

    Display recipe

    H H H
    H H H

    H = Reinforced Glass

    also a fun feature about the MEC would be when its fully charged, it can be placed on the
    ground or walls and when reciving a redstone signel. It blows a crater twice as big as a nuke
    and destroys all the blocks it breaks.(comes with a 20 second count down)

    Now, for the crazy part.

    The Eletrone Storm Chamber. This thing could hold 5 billion EU and when transfering, this
    monstrousity would output 20460 EU/t. It also expodes when reciving a rss (30 second countdown. to prevent it
    from exploding, just turn off the rss) an example about the explovise power, if placed in the End, it destroys
    everything there, no endstone left, no enderdragon, no way out :D

    It would also have a rss setting inside the GUI to disable that and turn it into a type of super telsa coil
    that discharges everything it has in one shot. Or do nothing at all

    ESC recipe

    Y Y Y
    Y Y Y
    Y Y Y

    Y = Enginered Super Core

    Enginered Super Core recipe

    G S G
    S G S
    L L L

    G = EC Core
    S = Super Conduction Coil
    L = Safety Handles

    Super Conduction Coil recipe

    C C C
    G G G
    J J J

    C = Electron Coil
    G = Advanced Coil Link
    J = Lapis Block

    Advanced Coil Link recipe

    C C C
    S D S
    C C C

    C = Electron Coil
    S = Gold Block
    D = Reinfored Diamond Block

    Reinfored Diamond Block recipe

    A A A
    A D A
    A A A

    A = Advanced Alloy Plate
    D = Diamond Block

    Advanced Alloy Plate recipe

    I I I
    I A I
    I I I

    I = Iridium Plate
    A = Advanced Alloy