Tec Crossbow = Awesome
Base Defence = Awesome
Guns = Ok - But you have an Mining Laser with long Range killing shot
Mobile Defence = mhh i think way too op in pvp but who cares
And mounting is working in MC: Swine + Saddle
So a mounted gun should be possibe
Do u think you could do it? What do u think about the uses of pork/rotten flesh/steaks as fuel or at least as some sort of resource? Because they need a use !
Also about the guns, well they will be well balanced, expensive and with ammo costs. So in order to go and shoot like crazy u need to have a substantial income of gunpowder,iron and some basic chemicals. Also u need an installation to produce them. I think that will not be OP. Same goes for defense turret and crossbow.
And the laser is nice but it uses ONLY energy,which kind of sucks imo. I want real like ammo.
Perhaps give string/spider eyes some use to? But as a RENEWable resourse they need to be used for sometihng that expires or as a sub for other things.