Lulz. The MC Forums are removing my posts.
Posts by master801
Ok, as this doesn't work as quickly as I thought, I'll just do the same as master and work on this another time.
Exactly. :\
Whatever this "free time" is... I know how you feel there. Lots of stuff to do in RL and no time for gaming (and even less for coding...)
I had a time like that when I worked on getting 123 random mods working together xD some of them quite buggy by themselves anyway.
And all the time there was some school stuff left to do or I had to learn for some exam. Quite annoying :-/I feel ya' there.
I have to revert the commits I made now... I botched the source code once again. *facepalm*EDIT EDIT:
The recipes don't want to work... -.-; I'm just gonna put this project on hold for awhile, and see if I come back... Sorry about this... I'm a terrible person... -
I'm talking about me using the mods in 1.5.2 but having seen something about 1.6 somewhere in the thread.
Also I could probably add some simple recipes with (at least the old) IC2 api. But creating/fixing guis ist too high for me.Nah. It's fine. I'll try fixing the guis' later when I have "free" time.
Umm, actually I'm pretty much a noob at coding and just wanted to mention that. I could do the recipes the easy way I suppose, but I have no idea how to fix the guis.
I'm still using 1.5.2 anyways due to a ton of other mods not being (properly) updated.€dit: I'm using the dl you linked in the first post on 1.5.2... I thought thats right because the title says 1.5.. If thats wrong, then we've found the problem.
I actually re-enabled most recipes in the source code, cleaned somethings up a bit.
How is that the problem? The mods are for 1.5.2... what are you talking about?
Umm ok.. Thanks... I suppose. I've looked into your code. You have all the crafting recipoes commented out... Is there a reason for this? This other thing with crafting right above them... I can't seem to find the class they call. Maybe I've looked in the wrong place.
Yeah... I kinda was lazy and did that for 1.5... If you fix those recipes and make a pull request, I'll push your request.
Or I'll do it. Which one would you prefer?
EDIT: I forgot to remove that piece of code... That was used in 1.4. I gotta remove it anyway.
Umm. Just wanted to ask... is it normal that i can no topen any guis or is that a bug?... Using 1.5.2 with a crapton of mods, but the log seems fine concerning any f4113n mods...
€dit: I also cannot craft anything from this mod... Thats a little annoying i've got to admit
€dit 2: oh, something else... could you make it so that the machines accept liquids from buildcraft pipes and also be drained by buildcraft pipes?
Bug filled mod... I'll try to fix it later if I can. Meaning, sometime in the next year or so. (Maybe?)
OK, how? Explain plz. I see cameracraft screen thing. Or was it the CCTV mod one?
I'll post some more screen-shots when I get there some day...…lock-v22-video-camscreen/…3-110the-robot-mod-03wip/
EDIT: I though British people were good at spelling?
You people misunderstood me!
Before anyone hates on me...
Those machines in the background look promising
:\ Not what I was trying to say or show at all...
Will you be good for me?
Names are broken, textures are broken too, and I messed up a fair amount of code also.
Ugh. I just finished my some-what automatic B.O.N. DeObfuscating script (all written in MS-Dos too...). Please reply if you want me to post the script!
bug fixes first, new features second. unless it is a bug with a new feature.
Like everything else is, right?
One day, I'll rewrite the entire mod again. Once CastielAngelow comes back(
I (we?), miss you buddy!), and I make a core mod for all of my mods. Like F4113N did.
Lol, derp.
This suspends my recent attempts of revival. -
It was just an idea
True... what other ideas do you have?
That could work of course.
An electric version of Forestry machines would be ultimately what I want, but not sure if you'd be capable of doing that.
An energy ejector upgrade for IC2 machines so that they can send power out of a selected side could be cool too.We'll see about the first one...
The second one however, I'm not sure how that would work.
you aren't going to clean it like using a vacuum cleaner, you will blow it off from about 2-3 inches away.
you should never touch the heatsinks at all.Meh. I'll try to get some compressed air later if I can. But seriously, does anyone want this mod to be revived?