Posts by Bierhamster

    not wanting to bug anyone but i have encountered this issue.

    I installed RPpre5 IC² 1.90 and railcraft 5.02 and everything works fine, by the way MC1.2.5 ML1.2.5 and MLMP 1.2.5v1 and forge and it all works fine untill I run MC Patcher over it, still no large issue ther, but as soon as I add a texture pack to the folder and click the test button of MCPatcher 2.3.6_01 I get following error log :

    Any ideas, or what I could have done wrong..getting the feeling i am stupid.

    About all those bugs I found reported already. Jetpack doens't directly kill you when landing, instead the fall damage is calculated wrong and that is still true in 1.90.

    The resin hole problem you describe I cannot confirm in 1.90. My resins regrow all the time :D

    Thanks for at least one usefull answer, uptill now. Just wanted to ask if the resin problem was solved for SMP, cause in Singleplayer it works fine. And i knew that it was related to fall damage but thanks anyway.

    I know its outdated, but I couldn't update to higher version yet cause I have to wait for other mods to update and I wanted to provide a list, wich is easier to read than running through 20 pages of bugs, wich I have done and I am sure my "new" bugs havn't been reported.

    I know its sort of late for a Bugreport on the 1.71 but I have encounterd quite a few while doing my Lets Play

    So here are a few "new" bugs(couldn't find them reported yet, nor in changelog of future versions)

    My MFE stops emitting Power upon setting it to "emit if full" (and no the batbox after it is not full) For better explanetion look at this episode :#mce_temp_url#
    Miner stops after encountering flowing Lava and those not recommence after digging away Lava and reinserting Miningdrill and it still drills, draining power but doing nothing
    Dynamite doesn't seem to have a sound in SMP...reproduced several times
    My Splittercable seems to handle Extreme Voltage without melting.
    Jetpack recharges after taking it off

    Old Bugs but not yet fixed:

    Holes on Rubbertrees do not recharge without reloging to server
    And the good old Jetpack (electric) kills you upon landing

    Hope I was able to help in finding some bugs and sorry if some of them are considered old and or fixed.

    Greets Bierhamster

    A month ago I started a nice little Lets Play together with my pal Chris and we are currently building our Minecraftworld to industrial epicness.

    We are using RedPower2 to see how it works compared to buildcraft and we intend to carry on playing for quite a while and also we are happy to take user coments into account.

    Also this Lets Play is in german and we improved our recording technique quite a bit in the last month so please don't be put of by the first episode.

    So please visit my channel under or my website under

    Vor einem Monat habe ich mit meinem Kumpel Chris ein Minecraft Lets Play angefangen und seit dem bauen wir unsere Welt um zu einer industrialisierten Welt.

    Wir benutzen unter anderem RedPower2 um einmal zu erfahren, wie es sich im Vergleich zu Buildcraft spielt, welches wir schon mehrere Male angefangen hatten. Bislang haben wir noch keine Lust am LPen verloren und es wird noch viele Folgen geben und wir wollen möglichst auch dich den User einbinden.

    Dieses LP ist strikt in deutsch gehalten und wir haben usnere aufnahmequalität im letzten Monat massiv verbessert, also schaut euch bitte nciht nur die erste Folge an.

    Also schaut euch doch bitte bei meinem Youtubekanal unter rein unter auf meiner Webseite unter

    Uh gotten a bit old this topic, but I could do a small vid with my factory using BC,RP2,IC²(d'oh) additional pipes...might see them not sure, depends on angle to tanks, railcraft...just a few tracks running out of the factory, don't think someone will notcie and minefactory..oh I can keep minefactory out of the picture.

    Anyway I wont do it if youre not interested because of the additional mods, so please tell me.
    Oh and I will wright you a PM with same content, since its been a while since topic was last written in.

    Not sure if it works, but you could try using the spawnpoint with MC edit near youre base, I've got the feeling this could help.

    But otherwise the teleport pipes are youre solution.

    I love the idea of the btw elevator BUT it doesn't look industrialcraft enough also it would be nice if it would take IC energy AND I'm only playing SMP, so I rely heavily on IC,BC,RP2 and Railcraft.

    And using an elevator as in BTW gives you the neat option to place rails and chests and so on on it.

    I've followed this disussion for quite a while now and I have to comment now...just feel like it.

    I prefere Al's idea, cause its the basic system of an Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) or in german SPS Speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung.

    And now the difference as I undsertand it...and how it is in reality: A PLC is used in machines to create programs based on different and numeros Inputsignals which trigger differnt output signals. Example:
    A drill is driling through a material and the support of the drill hits a sensor, giving out a signal, thereby stopping the drill retracting it and changing the material to start over again.

    Would be great to combine quarries, miners, macerators and all the other stuff in on single need way with only on lever and you could combine it with eloraams tubes that give out certain signals. Like tin moving in a pipe gives out signal to an energy control block for the macerator, 20 seconds later a signal triggers a bc engine to get it out and so on.

    Of course you could do this all with eloraams RP2 at the moment but it would be compacter.

    As for her PC....can't imagine how I would effectively use that I am a student of engineering, not electronics :D

    Could use it in SMP to send messages over distances without bothering the chat, but why woul I do that...


    Thanks for showing will try it in my server, but I still like my idea of combined carts...the looks would be awesome, I dispise single carts running around the world.

    I still promote my idea of combined carts if their not to complicated, if so, leave them out, but please consider before saying no.

    UH UH got an idea for the use.

    After reading this my mind couldn't rest, cause I liked the idea.

    I found 2 uses, the sawmill coul chop trees in a certain area around it and place the logs in a chest, and/or could chop planks into sawdust, which could be compressed into compressed plant balls or burned directly in a generator.

    Well yeah could do, but seeing my small LAN Server choking on IC² and BC with just to players I don't realy want another mod and yet another mod.
    Some of my members have severe lag, but my PC is running mostly fine while also hosting.
    And on the other hand, trains were very important in industrialsation and I think it would be nice to have them in IC².

    I like the idea of producing energy that way its like burning trash, but I would say it should have a generator in its recipe, cause it produces power.

    And I dont think its overpowered seeing generators can burn a bunch of things.

    The slag could be combined with the idea of tar, or blacktop, I found somewhere in the suggestions.

    I love the idea of the forcefield generator, maybe it could be connected to the holocraphic shield mentioned somewhere in the suggestions.

    And I'd prevere Ironfence post to mark the corner, as I understood it you wanted the whole lenght but in my eyes that woul look awefull :)

    Hey Guys,
    just wanted to post a pic of my cacti farm, which uses 880 cacti.
    Its enough to power a generator 24/7 and surplus cacti are sucked in by an BC overflowsystem and are transported into a recycler, thereby producing srap.

    Works great for producing UU-Matter :D

    Still working on it now and then to increase scrap production :)

    Oh and concerning the overflow discussion, heres my system:

    You need so many gold and obbi pipes to prevent pipes conencting to each other.