I know its sort of late for a Bugreport on the 1.71 but I have encounterd quite a few while doing my Lets Play
So here are a few "new" bugs(couldn't find them reported yet, nor in changelog of future versions)
My MFE stops emitting Power upon setting it to "emit if full" (and no the batbox after it is not full) For better explanetion look at this episode :#mce_temp_url#
Miner stops after encountering flowing Lava and those not recommence after digging away Lava and reinserting Miningdrill and it still drills, draining power but doing nothing
Dynamite doesn't seem to have a sound in SMP...reproduced several times
My Splittercable seems to handle Extreme Voltage without melting.
Jetpack recharges after taking it off
Old Bugs but not yet fixed:
Holes on Rubbertrees do not recharge without reloging to server
And the good old Jetpack (electric) kills you upon landing
Hope I was able to help in finding some bugs and sorry if some of them are considered old and or fixed.
Greets Bierhamster