Posts by Sephlington

    Are you talking about something like Machinemuses Modular power suit table?

    I was referring to the electric crafting table mentioned on the Upgrades page of the wiki: "
    A more complex system, involving an electric crafting table of sorts, is being considered and may be implemented after the core of the system is in place."
    But, as I've been using MM's suit recently, engineering table kinda fell off the tip of my tongue :P

    Quick query/request: If using this with the GraviSuite, does it have crafting recipes to create the items from that, and, if it doesn't, would it be possible to add them? It would be a bit annoying to have an Ultimate QuantumSuit Bodyarmor that cannot be upgraded to a GraviSuite chestplate in any way.

    Or, alternately, if you do add some form of engineering bench in the future, you could simply add the option to disassemble armour through it, which would allow the compatibility anyway...

    Hrm. Game keeps hanging on world-gen with the latest beta install, but works fine sans IC2. Specifically, it never gets past loading dimensions:

    I would post a crash log, but it never actually crashes. May deliberately set up an ID clash just to get a crash log, so I can list the mods I'm using, if that'd be helpful?

    In trying to manage compatibility between a IC2 and Metallurgy 2, a few of us ran into a problem trying to make Dense Copper Plates when only IC2 copper would work (I personally have disabled IC2 copper to keep with M2's balancing scheme, so it's a major stumbling block). One of M2's developers has stated that the compressor recipes don't appear to use the Ore Dictionary, as neither M2 or Forestry copper will compress into the Dense Copper Plates. A fix for more compatibility would be great :)