Bug: Reactor Chambers

  • i found an interesting bug with the Reactor Chambers: when placing the reactor chambers like in the following, then each reactor has a 6*5 gird instead of 6*4.

    They don't share the chambers, so its in total of 6*10 gird instead of 6*8 where you can access 2 chambers form both reactor. It can probably used to get additional outward cooling, but i haven't tested that. Also if there is more than 6 chambers in the 3*3*3 area around a reactor, the gui starts to glitch and if there is 8 or more some columns become inaccessible because you throw items out of the reactor instead of placing.
    Using that glitch i made a power plant with 9 (probably) MK
    1-O reactors each producing 60EUs (total output 540 EUs) using only a 5*5*5 cube(7*7*7 if you count the containment chamber)
    PS.English isn't my main language so i must apologize for any spelling (and other) errors

  • This one was confirmed, the reactor mistakes the extra chamber and reactor as "adjacent" and attempts to call the GUI for it, but the specific GUI doesn't exist, so it bugs out.