Suggestion: how to fix MFE, MFS

  • Instead of having the numbers just keep flipping would it be possible to use the 16bits as an approximate number.

    My idea
    In the case of the MFS, it holds 3,000,000 lets say with have (i know its more) 30,000 positive numbers we can use.
    The client could just multiply the energy number the server sends by 100, so the server sends an update every 100 EU instead of every 1EU this way the energy displayed would atleast be accurate to withing 100 EU.
    Same Idea could be applied to the MFE using 10:1 EU ratio.

    You have an MFE with 20124 energy in it, the server tells your client you have 2012 energy, the client then multiplies this by 10, and reports in the GUI that you have 20120 energy.

  • Is it not possible for the server files to only send updates every 10 EU instead of every EU.
    Really it could be thought of as a form of indexing.