Add compatibility with Cuchaz' Ships mod

  • This mod is really awesome!
    So far, we can build big ships, but Cuchaz plans to add submarines, and airships. And the mod author just added an API for other mods to define blocks properties.
    So, it would be cool to add a compatibility between the mods in order to be able to make a factory cross the oceans.

    So far, I would just suggest adding the weight to the API, and nothing else, but as soon as another API is released in order to make blocks work, it would be really cool.

  • I'd like to, but:
    -I do not know how to code it.
    -I'm not really sure it would be implemented.

    In fact, I don't really know how to code Java, that's why I suggest it. You know, I am learning Java, but I've got some exams at the end of the school year...

    Anyway, it hasn't been released yet, just announced as resolved in the bug tracker.