GT "Redstone circut block"

  • I doubt too many people remmeber/used GT "redstone circut block" back in minecraft 1.5.2, I found it not too stright forward(not really easy to use and limited use) , seamed to me like it had a few bugs. but it worked nicelly to control a nuclear reactor. I could set # of ticks, push button, go mining, come home and nothing blew up. I wanted more, still do.

    How about "bit controller"? well maybe that name sucks a little.

    Basic bit controller, uses bit wise operators AND ,OR, NOT ,NOR, >>, <<. allows you to change signals(output of block and in "redstone cables") and easyly interact with machines. uses the GUI idea in the attachment.

    4 bit redstone cable tied together with a power cable, red = 0, regular redstone, 3 others colors what ever. can be used to connect bit controller blocks and machines togther. when placed in the world it is like an electrical cable, that you can put covers on. using a colored redstone cover will allow you to acess a differnt colored cable. because red = regular redstone you can connect redstone dust the cable block. cable --> redstone dust --> lever.

    wireless bit controller, simular to the basic bit controller, exept that it adds a wireless option for the bits(in the picture).

    advanced bit controller, has an advanced feature, a possible momentary spot loader feature and wireless compatiblity. but instead of just single bit function, you can program it, also has a delay for a # of ticks. making it easy for someone to make a timer or any other simple circut.

    While(redstone_0 = 1) // this could be a lever being pushed, a button, or active redstone dust
    redstoneoutput ^ 3 // redstone cable outputs in 4 bits, output = 0011
    _delay#ofticks = 50 // then delays by 50 ticks before toggling the output by, 0011, output then = 0000 after the while loop repeats.
    you are likly thinking well why dont you just get computercraft, ha well I dont like how computer craft is setup, you have to learn there code and special shit to make something. plus I think it would be a great addition to gregtech 1.7

    I also think every function should be simple and listed on the GUI for the advanced "bit controller", kids like to play minecraft why not make your mod easy to understand/ explain its self. kids will just give up easyly if it looks way too hard. with computer craft you can't explain everything, you have to list it on a webpage because its so much. I tryed learning to program turtles, but I gave up theres just too much stuff for the amount of time to learn it and be decent at it.

    I guess I make poor posts because I expect people to know what Iam talking about, or the they just can not understand. maybe I speak it (adams family) when Iam in a hurry or nervous.