1.6.4 / Build 397 [cant craft/find uranium 235]

  • Due to the lack of consolidated info on the experimental build, I tore through google to learn I had to wash/centrifuge uranium ore to get uranium 235. I read place after place I'd get 235 from the thermal centrifuge if I ran washed/purified uranium through it, nope.

    I've recently seen this was changed but after hours of googling I can't find any reference to the new process of obtaining it.

  • Normally, in the 397 build, you'll find Uranium 235 after centrifuging washed/purified (I don't remember the name) uranium ore.
    If I remember well, you find some tiny piles of Uranium 238 and some of uranium 235.

    Try using NEI on the gui of the thermal centrifuge. It will show you all the recipes you can get with the thermal centrifuge.