Shrine Runner: The Upcoming Return and mod requests

  • Thanks to Hardcore Questing Mode, I'm going to be getting out a version of Shrine Runner for 1.7.10 (you have my word for this time). However, unlike previous incarnations of the idea, I want to get your opinions about what mods should be put in. I have a mod list that I'm working on putting the pack together as I post this but what mods would you guys like to see? I'll put together screenshots once I start building the map (once a mod pack is ready to use). It won't be like any of its previous incarnations (there was a larger story and sidequests in previous versions), but instead initial releases will be like other Skyblock maps (the sidequests will come latter).

    In regards to the mod requests. I'll be privately polling the requests and the top 5 will be added (unless there's a technical issue and i physically can't get them to "play nice" with the current mods, in which case it will go to the next one down that works).