When i place a block or an item, they are transparent and let you see the pools of lava through them and with a blue background. They also dont have their usual inventory icons and when i place an item, such as a cable, they are transparent. Im not using optifine and im using the lastest release aviable. There is an image as an Attachment

[1.7.10]Missing Textures
Seems like it may be a language pack thing. Try changing your language to english, and see if it works.
Seems like it may be a language pack thing. Try changing your language to english, and see if it works.
I tried with US english and UK english and it didnt work
Still no luck
Uh, what version are you using? O.o
Same problem. Textures are missed when i update a Forge from forge-1.7.10- to forge-1.7.10-
IC2 version industrialcraft-2-2.2.653-experimental -
Any forge version higher than 1232 has problems with rendering certain items it seems. Optifine often causes it (ExtrabiomesXL's blocks for example), but I expect it's not just optifine which is having problems with the rendering changes they added.
Yes, you are right. When i disabled Optifine all textures came back. I wrote on forge forum but they said that the problem is on the Optifine side
Sorry for my English