It would be great if you could come up with a better way to update, instead of re-downloading the entire 141MB pack.
[Arch's Grind-Complex 1.5][Moved]
Worry not Max_Shen for your words have been heard !
I'm currently in the process of making this even more official by adding the pack to a launcher. Afterwards, updating should be a breeze.
Also, I'm going to make a spreadsheet later today of all the ores locations, for those of you that might need it.
Take care all, and see you soon !
EDIT : Submission to make it "really" public is done. Now, the waiting has begun.
Excited for the launcher. Will probably help me to.
Version is coming. I have one bad new. And maybe a good-ish new.
Good thing is I've redone a part of the oregen, mostly touching small ores and heigths of the different gems... Feels a bit less like : Everything's everywhere to me.
Also good is that I'm going also to work all day on custom Loot Tables. Currently at 250 items, I'd like to reach 750-ish before
Bad news is mods update. The mod Blocklings in particular went from 2.1.1 -> 3.0., undergoing a major re-write. Thing is : New Blocklings and Old Blocklings do not get along very well. It crashes instantly upon loading a world. I have a few things I want to try such as unlogging into the nether without one and try coming back there to see if things work...
So this means a world restart. Fortunately, the pack being quite young, I think it's right time to do this one last time.
You can however avoid it by just replacing Blocklings 3.0.0 with 2.1.1 and all will be fine. Except you won't get the new-ish ore-gen and the Loot Tables in already explored chunks and that you will have to do this manually all the time.
I suggest you take your (very few) chests (full of rotten food and other crap) in your (puny shack. And you call that a ) house with (Stuff you can't afford called ) dollies from JABBA and bring all with you on the other side. Just take the Player.dat and Level.dat files, drop them in the new world and bam. Just don't forget to log off on creative 200 feet in the air to avoid spawning into a wall.
Also made this oregen chart (Will also be added to the OP) :
Amazing news.
Thanks for the chart by the way. Really helps me out
Version is now live. Only the official server needs updating. Should be done in the next hour.
THIS UPDATE REQUIRES A WORLD RESTART ! If you want to avoid this, replace Blocklings 3.0.0 by Blocklings 2.1.1. However, oregen changes will only apply to chunks that you generate after the update.
What has changed anyway ? Lots of new stuff.
Oregen changes ! Small ores are a little less just everywhere and more Dimension-based like the ore mixes. 90%+ of the small ores change, as well as the height of some ore mixes, including Cassiterite, which should overall make it a little bit easier to find.
I dropped Waila Harvestability as it was acting funky with a few GT ores. Got replaced by Lantern mod (Carryable dynamic light !) AND Infinitubes. Once it's nerfed, it should provide some basic pre-Steel automation. (It still does that now.)
Mods that updated : Twilight Forest --> 2.3.3, Tinker's Mechworks -->, Starminer --> 0.9.8bf1, Secretroomsmod -->, OpenComputers -->, OpenModsLib --> 0.6-snapshot-307, OpenBlocks --> 1.3-snapshot-556, Logistics Pipes -->, IndustrialCraft --> 2.2.673-EXP, Forestry -->, ExtraCells 2 --> 2.2.53b82, CoFHLib --> 1.0.0-B9-88, Buildcraft --> 6.3.6, Blocklings --> 3.0.0, AsieLib --> 0.3.9 and finally, Ars Magica 2 updated to
Custom Chest Loot config now works and has now around 500 items. Mostly added a few GT dusts/tiny piles/small piles and nuggets. Chest loot starts looking different everytime. Woo ! 750 items should happen next release only.
Other than that, small script/config fixes. Such as chalcopyrite being smeltable in the smeltery and mushrooms should stop collapsing on themselves. ;P Also, Eira IRC now links to the official channel. More stuff. ;P
Plans for :
- Make at least a few HQM quests... Just a few to guide people through the first days.
- Add 250+ items to loot table again.
- Re-touch Forestry and Natura scripts.
- More mod updates. ;P@ Sinister_Bro :3 : Glad this can be of some help to you. Need you anything else, just ask. ;P
Hey all, this' Arch from the Grind-Complex.
I've done a new script for the server !Starminer script with over 100 lines.
This' all.
Hope to see you soon !
EDIT : I added IHL to the modpack. Some items in there I need. Consider this version While it's not on the server, you can still login if you have it. It will be added serverside a bit later today.
EDIT II - Added small Lantern script. Now requires Steel. Version
EDIT III - Updated Core mod, Grind-Core, formerly known as Arch-Core. Few other fixes as well. Version
I am curious now. What does Grind-Core do?
Haha, not much. Just adds a few endgame items. ;P Most notably 2 circuits I use in a few recipes. Gives some use to Naquadah and Neutronium. I do plan on adding more however once GT API updates. (GT 6.)
Mh what are you gonna do about GT6? just a fresh start if it comes out?
@ Lefty
Well, I happen to know a little bit of Java. I think I might start doing a little mod of my own, but I'm waiting for GT6's API before I start doing so. Starting it now would be a little pointless.And yeah, also a fresh start.
I told myself I'd update less often... But... But... I just can't resist ! ;P
Update is now live. No new mods, no mod updates. Meaning you can just grab the "configs" and "scripts" folders.
Why is it worth making a release ? Well over 1000 lines of script. (Closer to 2K, in fact.) I think this good enough.
Few important fixes as well. Loot fixes, scripts fixes, config fixes... Fixes all over the place !This' all for today. Or for this morning at least. ;]
Take care all. Good luck and god speed !
EDIT : I feel bad about making so many posts one after the other, so I'll say it here. ;P is up. More scripting, more ! Around 1K lines once again. Lil config fixes for GT as well.
Update is now out !
Two new mods : Remote IO and NEI Integration.
Also new config fixes all over the place and LOTS of scripting. Have a lot of free time soon, so I'll do a bunch again before
Many mods updated... But I'm sorta lazy saying which ones. Might do this later. Railcraft is now Had to remake some parts of the script to make it work, but it works.
This' all !
Good luck with the Grind-Complex, and god speed !
Good news everyone !
I FINALLY got an answer from the ATLauncher.
Well I got rejected for a public pack. ;] I guess that was to be expected.
However, they offered me a semi-public pack which I accepted. Yay ! ;D
Means in the next few days you should be getting a MUCH easier way to update. And maybe more people on the official server, who knows ?
Oh, update is out. Fixes the scripts that were broken and adds some Red-Logic stuff. You only need to get the scripts folder... Or wait 'till it's on the launcher.
This' all.
Good luck and god speed !
So how's the launcher going :D?
nice list of mods!
interested in joining the server -
Clash, I PMed you. But basically, just join !
And news about the launcher. I've been accepted and I can login to the admin account and all... However I'm still not ready I think.
A few mods still need some love recipe-wise and I'd rather wait a bit still... So it will still be manual for a while. I'm sorry. ;P
However I will make zip files of all that has changed. The links to the files on my dropbox will be available at the top of the readme on the GH.
I thought I'd release, but I'd rather have something more... Finished to present people. Between 1 and 2 weeks more for the launcher I say.
server down all day?
Yeah... Sorry for the inconvenient. I thought about dropping the server for a month for 20 something hours and I closed it for that reason.
We're starting a new map for... Reasons as well. Won't affect anybody that haven't heard about it.
APPARENTLY backups are important, for that reason I'll be adding Aroma Backup to the server.
Not much new, and there won't be for a while.
Server is now UP again and will be for the next month at least, without downtimes like previously. However I'll be focusing on GT6 for now so I'll be less present on the GT5 server. Feel free to contact me about anything you want about the GT5 server/pack.
Is all. Still feel free to come on the GT5 server. I'll keep it up, finally, as long as people play.
Sorry again.Arch.
P.S: Server will be live 1:30PM (GTM -5:00).
GT6 server, although little should be up in the following 24 hours also. -
Ey, I have a little question, Are you maybe planning to add thermal dynamics now its released? As it is a pretty usefull mod if balanced correctly.
(And it looks nicer than buildcraft/GT pipes :3)