Currently, most people will find that their quantumsuit bodyarmor always runs out of energy the slowest. I think that, since many people will not make the armor because they prefer having their BatPack, it would serve the purpose of a batpack as well, BUT, it could recharge Mining Lasers and Nano Sabers. So people would find an actual use for these things. So you would effectively have a 1kk EU batpack.
And the Quantum Helmet Solar upgrade! Surrounding a QuantumHelmet in 8 solar panels creates a Solar Quantum Helmet! This amazing piece of equipment generates a whopping 32 eu/s to recharge everything in your inventory! Just by being attached to the quantum helmet, the solar panels instantly become 8x as efficient! This will even recharge your Batpack/QuantumSuitBodyArmor so that you can run all those tools for a REALLY long time! As long as your head is in sunlight.