Gas turbine for 5x5 reactors

  • I was playing with 5x5 reactor and found there are 3 ways of making eU
    first is with stirlings, giving 0.5 eu per hu, they are relatively safe and easy to put together
    second is steam, giving 0.75 eu per hu, complicated to put, expensive and dangerous
    third is biogas, giving 0.8 eu per hu, not as complicated like steam, safe as stirlings, and reallly expensive and spacious

    main problem is space, 1200 hu 5x5 reactor uses:
    12 stirling gens
    6 steam gen and 3 steam turbines (if you do not use pipes)
    12 fermenters and 60 semifluid generators and a lot of piping

    so I suggest a gas turbine, eats biogas and spits ku, energy efficiency should be like normal semifluid generators(or lower), blade should be of advanced alloy + purified iron + obsidian dust mix.

    bonus points if gas turbine spits hot air that can be put in a liguid heat exchanger like in real life

  • no nuke does this in real life because burning the gas creates heat which is used to fuel direcly so this should not be done with the reactor

    IMHO we don't NEED a fluid biogas heat source but make it the EU maker and heat maker ( 1 block uses 2x gas to make it more space efficent? ) only issue is start up? maybe have a motor spot for electric starting?

    IE a combined block for both ( new block) pulls electric for a small bit to start up the fermenter with a coil ( or you can put in biogas like now) it uses 2x biogas to heat and make electricity

    It can use turbines for increased outtput and create kenetic energy ( turbine would last 24+ hours real time at minimum) ? if no turbine its makes the EU directly but say 50% ?

    maybe a new fermenter as well.. one made to take higher heat to fuel it and outputs more.. IE 100 HU/t gives more biogas int he new fermenter that in the turbine burns better/hotter to make more EU the normal generator or makes the KU to spin for more? ( make one block able to do all for simplicities sake/easier upgrade?)

  • no nuke does this in real life because burning the gas creates heat which is used to fuel direcly so this should not be done with the reactor

    I tink I didn't explain myself properly
    IC2 has the fermenters wich for some weird mechanic produces biogas with heat, weird mechanic in the sense of more heat more biogas
    a fermenter with an input of 100 hu produces enough biogas to run 5 semifluid generators at the same time wich will produce 80 eu/t (last time i checked)

    what I want is a machine that does not use that much space and also new game mechanics

    about the real life bit i was talkig about the combined cycle used in real life powerplants

    maybe a new fermenter as well.. one made to take higher heat to fuel it and outputs more.. IE 100 HU/t gives more biogas int he new fermenter that in the turbine burns better/hotter to make more EU the normal generator or makes the KU to spin for more? ( make one block able to do all for simplicities sake/easier upgrade?)

    how about a fuel echancer