Looking for a EU to MJ mod. 1.7.10.

  • Looking for a mod that will allow me to convert my EU to MJ.
    I am running a few mods
    Buildcraft 5.0.7
    bspkrscore. 1.7.10
    icraft 2 2.2.821
    toomanyitems 2014_07)15)1.7.10_forge
    Tree capaitator mod 1.7.2

    Power converters crashes/doesnt load
    forestry doesnt load.
    Im interested in finding a cool 1.7.10 mod to turn my vast EU to MJ.

  • Buildcraft 5.0.7 is significantly out of date, to the point that I'm surprised it would even run with IC2 build 821. It might be old enough to use MJ, though. Newer versions of Buildcraft (the latest for Minecraft 1.7.10 is 7.1.16) switched to RF (Redstone Flux, from Thermal Expansion). While we're at it, why are you using TreeCapitator for 1.7.2 with bspkrsCore for 1.7.10?