I'm an idiot I can't figure this out. All the videos are out of date and I can't find a simple basics guide on the mod lol.
V2. & V2. force energy Capacitor wont connect to cables and if i place it next to any power source i t crash
it say Disconnected by server internal error2012-09-18 19:10:25 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The mod id ModularForceFieldSystem attempted to register channels without specifying a packet handler
V2. & V2. force energy Capacitor wont connect to cables and if i place it next to any power source i t crash
it say Disconnected by server internal errorthat's not providing any information via logs you silly. Also it seems like now the power box is called a MFFS EXtractor. Cables can connect to it but I'm frigan lost from there.
that's not providing any information via logs you silly. Also it seems like now the power box is called a MFFS EXtractor. Cables can connect to it but I'm frigan lost from there.
if you look at my post i hav the same problem and i has a log
V2. & V2. force energy Capacitor wont connect to cables and if i place it next to any power source i t crash
it say Disconnected by server internal errorsame for me
I can't get this working at all, the force field stuff doesn't even show up in either craftguide OR creative mode. and that Github thing is not good for releases, is there any alternate download place that is easier to figure out? I was gonna redownload but can't figure out github. All I see in creative that i think is from this is a bunch of Facade things, and they don't even show up in craftguide
After reading code and messing around in creative, I have a basic setup working.
You'll need the following:
Several blank MFFS cards (the long skinny ones)
1x Force Energy Extractor
1x Capacitor
1x Projector
1x TypeMod of some sort
1x+ BuildCraft Engine (I'm using a stone one for my setup)Put all the blocks close together, and connect the engine to the Energy Extractor with a redstone lever.
Fill the Extractor with Forcium
Right click the capacitor while holding a card, then right click the extractor while holding the same card
Right click the capacitor while holding a new blank card, then right click the projector
Insert the TypeMod into the Projector
Hook a redstone lever to both the Capacitor and the Projector
Activate the Engine and Wait
Activate the Capacitor
Activate the Project and Voila!Security stations are a bit more complex, but essentially involve setting an ID card with the handheld ID card writer, loading it in, and then right clicking the unit with a blank card, and then right clicking any other device with the security card.
Change of mechanics -> 2.1.7.*
MFFS Generator -> rebuild to MFFS Capacitor (a ForceEnergy battery) cannot convet EU -> ForceEnergy ..therefore no more cable connection
New Forceenergy (Generator) is the MFFS Extractor can connect to Cabel or Power Pipe (Buildcraft) and Convert EU, MJ to ForceEnergy and Store it in a Buffer..that is until now the biggest change...
Quote[WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] The mod id ModularForceFieldSystem attempted to register channels without specifying a packet handler[/b]
will fix in
in the version 2.1.7.* , the focus matrix's name is not right.
Okay, I figured out the mod thanks to the tips in this thread. I got everything working even security access and etc.. I had powered up a 20 upgrade cube field with block break so it has 100% protection... I set 3 nukes off and I had about 1mil energy or was it 100k either way it had about couple min of power but then it seem to fail then blow up.
Does the field actually use more power when protecting itself or whats going on there?
Okay, I figured out the mod thanks to the tips in this thread. I got everything working even security access and etc.. I had powered up a 20 upgrade cube field with block break so it has 100% protection... I set 3 nukes off and I had about 1mil energy or was it 100k either way it had about couple min of power but then it seem to fail then blow up.
Does the field actually use more power when protecting itself or whats going on there?
if a explosion hit the Forcefield he need 10 time for Power to stabilize.
Example:a Forcefield of 1000blocks need for run stable 1000 ForceEnergy / s
if a explosion hit it .. Forcefield drain 1000block * 1 ForceEnergy * 10 = 10.000 Forceenergy !! -
if a explosion hit the Forcefield he need 10 time for Power to stabilize.
Example:a Forcefield of 1000blocks need for run stable 1000 ForceEnergy / s
if a explosion hit it .. Forcefield drain 1000block * 1 ForceEnergy * 10 = 10.000 Forceenergy !!Holy crap haha, I see. Now to power it up I was only learning and screwing around but I had used I think 16 Force Energy Extractor lol linked to 1 Capacitor I think it's called. It seem a bit slow at producing and I was using only Forestry engine directly to the Energy Extractor. So I guess the big question is how do you produce the most efficient energy? Most my power usually comes from IC but it looks like you have removed the use of IC energy or I could be wrong.
Also, If I can figure it out and do the math right I might be able to protect my bases not just from IC Nukes but maybe even ICBM's if I can create a large enough stable field that extends very far. It would be pretty messy but I think it would work depending how far MFFS can scale lol.
Most my power usually comes from IC but it looks like you have removed the use of IC energy or I could be wrong.
No..MFFS Extractor can use IC Energy and Buildcraft MJ simultaneously
or only IC Energy or only Buildcraft Power
Am I right, if I say that the Forcefield is not strong enough to hold the terrain outside save, if the reactor explodes?
Am I right, if I say that the Forcefield is not strong enough to hold the terrain outside save, if the reactor explodes?
the forceField is reactor explodes and Nuke Save
Wierd, my terrain got destroyed .... does it destroy the terrain if I have camouflage?
Wierd, my terrain got destroyed .... does it destroy the terrain if I have camouflage?
pictures , construction and holes in the shield ?
Nope, even with no "exit" for the cabeling
Pic: http://s1.directupload.net/file/d/3018/limfnq3x_png.htm
The big holes came from 2 tests with camouflage ...
tested Contaiment Field with and without Camoflage Upgrade...
<-- all 4 sides no damage only new poisen effect
Well, I could try to update your mod, I saw you had an update .... maybe then it works for me