MFFS Force Power Generator

-Converts EU to Force Power.It must have MFFS Generator Injector <EU> to work, Apply redstone signal to begin conversion.
MFFS Security Station

MFFS Modular Projector

-Spawns forcefields in different patterns based on what Projector Module its using. Activate with a redstone signal.
MFFS Modular Projector GUI

-the icon with an arrow in the middle defines the accessibility in the forcefield, left click to change:

-anyone can access the forcefield

-no one can access the forcefield

-access level is based on the security card on the MFFS Force Power Generator.(no security card, no one can access)
MFFS Area Defense Station

-Attacks other players or mobs based on what is inside the typ slot (type slot i guess?).
MFFS Area Defense Station GUI

-red and yellow strips border slot holds security card.
-cyan border slot holds MFFS card
-blue border slot holds up to 32 MFFS Projector Field Modulator <distance>
-borderless slot holds either MFFS Defense Station Upgrade or MFFS NPC Defense Upgrade
MFFS Card <blank>

-right click while holding on it to a MFFS generator to create a power-link card
-right click while holding on it to a MFFS security station to create a security card (MFFS security card must have a 'MFFS card <Personal ID>' on it)
MFFS Device <ID-Card Coder>

-must be recharge to work, right click to use. it uses 1 MFFS card <blank> and turns it to 1 MFFS card <Personal ID> encoding your ID on it for Security uses.
MFFS Force Field Synchron Capacitor

-lets you access and pass through force fields. uses 10,000 EUs (configurable) and can hold up to 100,000 EUs.
MFFS Generator Injector <EU>

-Allows the MFFS Force Power Generator to convert EU to Force Power.
MFFS Generator Upgrade <Range>

-Stacks up to 9, increases the range of the generator up to 80 blocks. affects how far a MFFS Modular Projector and MFFS Area Defense Station can receive power from the MFFS generator.
MFFS Generator Upgrade <Capacity>

-Stacks up to 9, Increases the Force Power capacity of the MFFS generator.
MFFS Projector Focus Matrix

-modifies the direction of the force field that the MFFS Modular Projector creates, it can only be used on specific projector modules.(Cannot be used on Sphere and Cube Modules)
MFFS Projector Field Modulator <distance>

-Increases the distance of the forcefield from the MFFS Modular Projector.
MFFS Projector Field Modulator <strength>

-increases the thickness of the forcefield that the MFFS Modular Projector creates.
-works differently on MFFS Projector Module <Adv.Cube> (i think)
MFFS Projector Module <Sphere>

MFFS Projector Module <Cube>

MFFS Projector Module <Wall>

MFFS Projector Module <Deflector>

MFFS Projector Module <Tube>

MFFS Projector Module <Containment>

MFFS Projector Module <Adv.Cube>

MFFS Projector Upgrade <touch damage>

-Damages anyone who comes in contact with the Force Field
MFFS Projector Upgrade <Sponge>

-removes liquids inside a forcefield. configurable so it only removes water and lava.
MFFS Projector Upgrade <Field Manipulator>

-the Modular projector wont create force fields below its Y level.
MFFS Projector Upgrade <Block Breaker>

-Removes block in the place where the force field would be created.
MFFS Defense Station Upgrade

-Damages any players that goes inside the forcefield
MFFS NPC Defense Upgrade

-Damages any mob that goes inside a forcefield (does not include mod mobs i guess)
MFFS Projector Upgrade <Force FIeld Jammer>

-prevents forcefield from a different generator to be created in an area.
MFFS Projector Upgrade <Camouflage>

-changes the texture of the force field to any vanilla block that is attached to the Projector. Attaching noting will generate an invisible Force FIeld