My wife just got home charter is running a new line so we will be out until 6pm charter says

► Gult's Gorge - 1.6.4 Free2Play | HOSTED | NO WHITELIST | Buycraft | Teamspeak ATLAUNCHER EASY INSTALL IC2, PROJECT RED, Buildcraft, Forestry, Applied Energistics, Bibliocraft, Binnies mod, Compact solars,Extra Cells, Gregtech, IC2 Nuclear Controls,
- Levint7012
- Closed
yippee ?!? i think
does this mean a end to all yr troubles ?
guess that my night finding something else to do hehehe
Erm whats the time in ur country? im a bit confused cause of different times right now... in germany its 8:30 Pm^^
It's eastern time so 2:43 pm and with hope it's the last time I see them
240 i belive
Charter just called there done so cross our fingers it all done.
Big thanks to Lev, Mason, and anyone else who was involved in the defense of my city tonight when Spitfir3 hit it. And thanks for rolling back the damage he apologies about not being able to make it perfect, hell, I'm just happy you could/did revert it at all! And thanks to everyone who's offered their help in reconstruction...I think I've got most of it under control, but if I do need any help, I'll be sure to let you guys know. Lev did a hell of a job reverting most of the structure, so I've got a pretty strong starting point for the reconstruction.
On the bright side though, I'd been intending to redo the sorting system in the warehouse again anyway. This gives me a reason to do it.
Hey Ndagger
As i wrote on the sign in ur house, if u need help with building something/materials just tell me
i can help too ....
1. The next donation plan is a faster NIC card ($120)
2. Upgrade to 100down/20up connection($150 additional a year)
3. Replace the motherboard with one that can support 24mb ram(300)It will take a while i am in no hurry but want everyone to know your donations are going to making this a server that will make this server better every chance I can.
Edit: switch came in and I picked up the router at best buy we are sitting pretty tonight.
1. The next donation plan is a faster NIC card ($120)
2. Upgrade to 100down/20up connection($150 additional a year)
3. Replace the motherboard with one that can support 24mb ram(300)It will take a while i am in no hurry but want everyone to know your donations are going to making this a server that will make this server better every chance I can.
Edit: switch came in and I picked up the router at best buy we are sitting pretty tonight.
If I would have known this yesterday I would have donated all of the $200.
I know I am vacation but I want to take a moment to say thanks to all the donaters that have made this server better. With the donations we've received we have been able to improve every aspect of this server and it would not be possible without you! Thanks!
i second paras post
I know I am vacation but I want to take a moment to say thanks to all the donaters that have made this server better. With the donations we've received we have been able to improve every aspect of this server and it would not be possible without you! Thanks!
I know a few of you have said its hard to tell anyone else is on except for a few spikes.
I know there is still more we can do but the need is less. Thank you all so much for your donations i know everyone here is thankful.
As for the move to 1.70 IC2.
I have hit a wall, 1.7 uses a new forge which as of yet is not ported to forestry, minefactory or teleport pipes, however a few mods have been ported that were not avail on the 1.64 version ie: Equivelent exchange, railcraft, charging bench, nether ores and a few others, no promise they will all work but they are avail and previously they were not.
So we have a choice, move to 1.70 +buildcraft 2.2.12 (only stable build right now for smp) + redpower 4d this would require a map reset if we move without TP/MF/Forest the move would be a fresh map with a vault as ussual but as the norm vanilla items only, in that way we could move quickly by friday. This would allow new mods, but elimate the old
Stay on 1.64 until the port is finshed and move once they are all ported
and the last option is to stay with 1.64 and just add railcraft until they are all ported.
You decide i will put a vote up in my next post.
1.7 and the mods 20
Move to a new Map and 1.7 (9) 45%
Stay with the old map old version until fully ported (8) 40%
move to 1.64 add Railcraft (this would force a new map once 1.7 is ported fully) (3) 15%
You choice
We get the new mods and get to keep the map and we get to move to 1.7
It took a lot of configurations and modifing forestry with a custom API. But its working
You will need to use the modpack for the config file for railcraft to match the server, also you will need the forestry version from the mod pack.
But we now have IC2crossover, railcraft and 1.7 all working together with our current subset of mods TLAC says he is updating the mod pack to follow
Done. 60 seconds flat.
Since modpack is not working right now and i see this thing is put together "on the knee" style, can anyone provide list of needed mods with versions?...This "you need this and this" is nice, but well.. we need little bit more...Kthx